29 September 1997 – Subject To Change
RC — Read To Clear
A register field specified as RC is written by hardware and remains
unchanged until read. The value may be read by software, at which point,
hardware may write a new value into the field.
RES — Reserved
Bits and fields specified as RES are reserved by Digital Semiconductor and
should not be used; however, zeros can be written to reserved fields that can-
not be masked.
RO — Read Only
Bits and fields specified as RO can be read and are ignored (not written) on
RW — Read/Write
Bits and fields specified as RW can be read and written.
W0C — Write Zero to Clear
Bits and fields specified as W0C can be read. Writing a zero clears these bits
for the duration of the write; writing a one has no effect.
W1C — Write One to Clear
Bits and fields specified as W1C can be read. Writing a one clears these bits
for the duration of the write; writing a zero has no effect.
WO — Write Only
Bits and fields specified as WO can be written but not read.
Unless otherwise noted, all addresses and offsets are hexadecimal.
Aligned and Unaligned
The terms aligned and naturally aligned are interchangeable and refer to data objects
that are powers of two in size. An aligned datum of size 2
is stored in memory at a
byte address that is a multiple of 2
; that is, one that has n low-order zeros. For ex-
ample, an aligned 64-byte stack frame has a memory address that is a multiple of 64.
A datum of size 2
is unaligned if it is stored in a byte address that is not a multiple
of 2