Internal Processor Registers
29 September 1997 – Subject To Change
Instruction Fetch/Decode Unit and Branch Unit (IDU) IPRs
5.1.12 Exception Address (EXC_ADDR) Register (10B)
EXC_ADDR is a read/write register used to restart the system after exceptions or
interrupts. The HW_REI instruction causes a return to the instruction pointed to by
the EXC_ADDR register. This register can be written both by hardware and soft-
ware. Hardware write operations occur as a result of exceptions/interrupts and
CALL_PAL instructions. Hardware write operations that occur as a result of excep-
tions/interrupts take precedence over all other write operations.
In case of an exception/interrupt, hardware writes a program counter (PC) to this reg-
ister. In case of precise exceptions, this is the PC value of the instruction that caused
the exception. In case of imprecise exceptions/interrupts, this is the PC value of the
next instruction that would have issued if the exception/interrupt was not reported.
In case of a CALL_PAL instruction, the PC value of the next instruction after the
CALL_PAL is written to EXC_ADDR.
Bit <00> of this register is used to indicate PALmode. On a HW_REI instruction, the
mode of the system is determined by bit <00> of EXC_ADDR. Figure 5–11 shows
the EXC_ADDR register format.
Figure 5–11 Exception Address (EXC_ADDR) Register
5.1.13 Exception Summary (EXC_SUM) Register (10C)
EXC_SUM is a read/write register that records the different arithmetic traps that
occur between EXC_SUM write operations. Any write operation to this register
clears bits <16:10>. Figure 5–12 and Table 5–4 describe the EXC_SUM register for-