To turn the LIVE VIEWING of a camera on or off:
1. Select the channel you would like to view live.
2. Click the box next to Covert.
3. Select enable to turn on the camera or disable
turn off the camera.
4. Repeat for all desired cameras.
5. Select SAVE in the upper right corner to save
your changes.
To turn Show Time display or Record Time display
off or on:
1. Select the SHOW TIME option or record time
option and choose either enable or disable .
2. The time display will now be changed.
3. Select SAVE to save settings.
Privacy Zone
1. To set the Privacy Zones:
2. Select the camera next to channel.
3. Click the Privacy Zone checkbox.
4. Click and drag the boxes around the screen
to place them where you need privacy zones.
These boxes will turn RED.
5. Select SAVE in the upper right corner to save
your changes.
6. Repeat for all desired cameras.
To delete the Privacy Zones:
1. Click the red privacy zone.
2. Select DELETE below the black screen.
3. Press SAVE to save your changes.
To copy your settings to another day:
1. Click COPY. A box will appear at the bottom.
2. Select the Channels you want to copy the
settings to.
3. Click the checkbox next to all or each
individual channel.
4. Click the COPY button and the copied schedule
will appear on the selected channels.
5. Once you have completed all of your
schedules, select save to save your settings.