File Viewing
Be sure that the playback software is open on your computer. Instructions differ depending on what files
you would like to open and play.
To add one video:
1. Select and then files. Find the USB device file,
or any other area where backed up footage
would be stored on your computer.
2. Make sure to view H.264 Files.
3. Select the file you would like to view and
select open.
4. Once you have selected open, the video will not
play automatically. You must prompt the video
to play.
5. To view the footage you must select play
from the bottom menu. Once play is selected,
the video will begin.
To add an entire folder:
1. Select and select the folder with your footage.
2. Highlight all the files you would like to view and
select open.
3. Once you have selected open, the video will
play automatically.
To remove a file
1. Select the file you wish to remove from the list
and press
2. You can also clear the entire playlist by
pressing .