Installation Guide
ECL Comfort 210 / 310, application A214 / A314
5.6 Compensation 1
A limit value for the compensation temperature makes it possible
to change the desired flow / duct temperature.
The influence from the compensation temperature can result in
an increase or a decrease desired flow / duct temperature. The
compensation temperature is often the outdoor temperature but
could for example be a room temperature.
This application contains 2 compensation temperature limits:
Compensation 1 (Comp. 1) and Compensation 2 (Comp. 2).
In the parameter descriptions "Sx"is used for the compensation
A214.1 - A214.6 and A314.1 - A314.3:
The desired flow / duct temperature can be influenced by a
compensation temperature, measured by S1 or S2. The choice
between S1 and S2 is made by the parameter "Comp. T select".
A314.4 - A314.7 and A314.9:
The desired flow / duct temperature can be influenced by a
compensation temperature, measured by one of the temperature
sensors S1 . . . S16.
The choice of compensation sensor is made by the parameter
"Comp. T select".
Parameters indicated with an ID no. like "1x607" mean a universal
x stands for circuit / parameter group.
MENU > Settings > Compensation 1
MENU > Settings > Surface limit
Limit (compensation temp., 1. point)
Setting range
Factory setting
Set the compensation temperature limit point 1.
* See Appendix “Parameter ID overview”
When the compensation temperature measured by Sx falls below
or gets higher than the set value, the controller automatically
changes the desired flow / duct temperature. The influence is set
in 'Infl. - max.' and 'Infl. - min.'.
Temp. Sx
Compensation 1
Danfoss District Energy