Installation Guide
ECL Comfort 210 / 310, application A214 / A314
MENU > Alarm > Fire safety
Alarm time-out
Setting range
Factory setting
The alarm is activated when the alarm reason has been present for a longer
time (in seconds) than the set value.
* See Appendix “Parameter ID overview”
Set the alarm time-out
MENU > Alarm > Digital S9
MENU > Alarm > Limit T frost
Alarm value
Setting range
Factory setting
ID 10656 (Digital S9):
A differential pressure switch can be connected to the S9 input. When the
differential pressure, measured by the differential pressure switch, gets
below the set value, the S9 input will be activated.
The alarm can be activated when the contacts in the differential pressure
switch open or close.
ID 11656 (Limit T frost):
When the actual temperature, measured by the return temperature sensor,
gets below the set value, the frost alarm will be activated.
* See Appendix “Parameter ID overview”
ID 10656 (Digital 9):
The alarm is activated when the contacts in the
differential pressure switch close.
The alarm is activated when the contacts in the
differential pressure switch open.
ID 11656 (Limit T frost):
When the actual temperature, measured by the return temperature
sensor, gets below the set value, the frost alarm will be activated.
ID 10656 (Digital 9):
An active fan alarm is indicated by a
in the display.
S9 input status:
MENU > Common controller > System > Raw input overview > S9:
0 = Input activated. 1 = input not activated
ID 11656 (Limit T frost):
An active frost alarm is indicated by a
in the display.
See also 'Alarm time-out', parameter 1x657.
An activated frost alarm opens the control valve fully, closes the
damper, starts the circulation pump and stops the fan.
MENU > Alarm > Digital S9
Alarm time-out
Setting range
Factory setting
The alarm is activated when the alarm reason has been present for a longer
time (in seconds) than the set value.
* See Appendix “Parameter ID overview”
Set the alarm time-out
Danfoss District Energy