OpenAMIP setup for iDirect iNFINITI & Evolution
Appendix C: VMU settings
options show ODU
Check: odu_tx_10_mhz = 1
options show MOBILE
Check: tx_handshake_enabled = 0
Note 4:
Connect to the modem with Telnet and issue command:
beamselector list
Write down the transponder number for one of the beams that has line of sight.
Use the command: beamselector switch <number> -f to force the VMU to use this
transponder. E.g:
beamselector switch 323 -f
Use the command: beamselector lock to lock the VMU to this transponder and stay
there (until power cycle or reset application).
Note 5:
Connect to the modem with Telnet and issue commands:
options show MOBILE
Check: gps_input = 2
tx power
Try to increase the tx power step by step up to max. -5 dBm, which is around SAILOR
900 VSAT High Power P1dB level. E.g. tx power -10
Examples of commands
options set SATELLITE tx_frequency 1450
options set MOBILE gps_input 2
options set MOBILE is_mobile 1
options set MOBILE tx_handshake_enabled 0
options set ODU odu_tx_10_mhz 1
options flash
If this fails then the options file is write protected!
Change disable_options_flash_command = 0 first!
options set OPTIONS_FILE disable_options_flash_command 0
reset application
Starts the VMU application (soft boot)
• Notice that changing options file locally can help determine wrong settings. The settings
will probably be changed back to original settings when the VMU get synchronized with
the hub.
• Tell the NOC about the faulty settings so they can correct configuration. Page 12 Monday, July 18, 2016 12:44 PM