Getting Started in the Configuration Utility
Features of the Help System
Unified Communications UC 320W Administration Guide
Show/hide buttons:
To simplify the display, some features are hidden until
you need to use them. As you start entering information on a page,
additional features may appear. Several pages include buttons that you can
click to show or hide fields.
Page navigation:
When creating a new configuration, you must proceed
through the steps in the specified order. Click the
button to move
forward through the pages or click the
button to move backward
through the pages that you have viewed previously.
Left navigation pane:
When creating a new configuration, use the left
navigation pane to return to any page that you viewed previously. When
working from an existing configuration, use the left navigation pane to select
any page.
Left pane icons:
In the navigation pane, the following icons indicate the
status of each task:
Solid check mark:
Custom settings were defined.
Red X:
There are validation errors on this page. You cannot apply the
configuration until all errors are fixed.
System Map:
On most pages, you can click this link to view an illustration of
the devices and services in your Unified Communications System.
Features of the Help System
The Help system is available on the right side of every configuration page.
More/Less Help:
Click the
More Help
link to show additional information
about a topic. To hide the information again, click the
Less Help
Show or Hide Help:
To close the Help pane, click the vertical Help bar. To
open the Help pane, click the vertical Help bar again.
Help links:
In the Help pane, click an underlined term to highlight the
corresponding field on the page.
For help with a field or button on the page, place your mouse
cursor over the field or button. A short description appears. For tabs and
display fields where the displayed text is truncated, the tooltip displays the
full text and additional details if available.