install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
1.5.3 Wiring the Slate 5032Gdd & 5032Ghh
1. Attach analog reference/blackburst. Run one wire from your sync generator to
the Router’s ‘Sync’ input, and then run a second wire from the Router’s ‘Sync’
output to the ‘Ref’ input on the Slate, as shown on the wiring diagram on the next
Connect BNC video cables between the Slate Cards and the Router, as follows:
On Switcher boards
On Router
A - SD only (right)
Input 32
B - SD only (right)
Input 31
D - HD or SD (center)
Input 30
E - HD or SD (left)
Input 29
On I/O board (center) On Router
S1 Output 32
S2 Output 31
S3 Output 30
S4 Output 29
Attach the following video cables on the Router, if desired:
Inputs 1-28
to cameras, tape decks and other sources
Program, Output 1
to a program monitor and other program destinations
Preview, Output 2
to a preview monitor
Auxes, Output 3-24
to auxiliary outputs
Attach three network cables (Cat 5) from the private Ethernet 10/100 switch to the
Broadcast Pix components, as follows:
From Hub
Any port
To workstation NIC 1, next to the USB ports
Any port
To control panel - either network connector
Any port
To Router ‘ENET’ connector
The workstation has two network connections, the above NIC1 and a 1GB NIC2. NIC2
connects the system to a “house” network, which is convenient for moving content into the system.
Do not move data through the private network hub, as it will affect system performance.
Attach the RS-232 serial cable from the control panel to the Router’s serial input
labeled ‘SERIAL’. See section A.6 for pin-out.
Attach the Workstation’s VGA monitor(s), mouse and keyboard.
Plug in power to the workstation, Router and control panel.
See Section 1.5.8 to set the inputs on the Router for name and timing.
On I/O board (left) On Router
S5 Output 28
Output 27
S7 Output 26
S8 Output 25