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Broadcast Pix
4.11.7 PowerAux Control
For the most part, traditional switchers offer only one layer to be sent to an Auxiliary
Output. All Broadcast Pix Slate 5000G switchers have the ability to overlay
any/all of Keys 1-5 onto one Aux output, this is known as PowerAux. PowerAux can
only be applied to Aux 1-4 and only when a 2ME Bus Mode which has aux output
enabled is activated. In addition you can not output an internal source out of one Aux and
use PowerAux on another, only one internal tie line is available. Controls are accessed
through the Aux Modifier PixPad in Device Control-B.
To Access PowerAux:
Set up your Auxes as described in section 4.11.
Controls for PowerAux reside inside each Aux Destination button.
Select the
[Aux 1], [Aux 2], [Aux 3]
[Aux 4]
PixButton in the Destinations Row
and the PixPad will display the following:
In the Aux Modifier PixPad select the
[Pwr Aux]
The PowerAux PixPad will appear, as shown above.
Select the desired Key(s) to be overlaid onto the Aux output either
[Key 1 OnOff]
[Key 2 OnOff]
[Key 3 OnOff], [Key 4 OnOff]
[Key 5 OnOff].
The display
will read out the keys you have on Aux 1 as shown below.
Aux 1 Modifier PixPad Aux 1 PowerAux PixPad
Although you can use PowerAux on the Preview and Program outputs, if a keyer is already on
Preview or Program, you can not remove the keyer from only the PowerAux. You can, however, keep the
keyer on PowerAux, if you remove it from Preview or Program.