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Broadcast Pix
5.7 Preparing Still Content
The system will accept still graphics in several formats, which can be saved out of
Inscriber or any other graphics application:
Windows Bitmaps, which are picture files ending in .bmp
Targas, which are picture files ending in .tga
Portable Network Graphics, which are picture files ending in .png
Graphics Interchange Format, which are picture files ending in .gif
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), which are picture files ending in .jpg
The system accepts full screen stills at 720x486 pixels for NTSC and 720x576 for
PAL. On G Series workstations, stills may also be created at 1280x720 and
1920x1080 at a square pixels aspect ratio.
The bit depth of a graphics must be 24bits or higher. The bit depth of a .tga/.bmp
still must be 32bits to use a key/alpha channel. The system will also accept
smaller pictures or larger ones and either retain their size or modify them to fit the
screen, see the import function of the PixMaster section (Section 3).