install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
4.6 Source Controls
All Broadcast Pix sources, both external live and internal graphics and clips, have various
parameters which can be modified known as Source Controls. For external live sources
you can set the AutoAspect treatment, as described in section 1.4.1, as well as
chromakey levels. For internal source controls you can also set the AutoAspect treatment,
as well as any control that the device has enabled. Source Controls reside on the the
actual input, in result wherever that source is outputted to, it will have the associated
source controls applied to it.
To activate source controls:
Select a
PixButton in the Display Row of ME 1 or ME 2 on the control
panel or SoftPanel and it will illuminate orange, as shown below.
The display in Device Control-A will read out which source is selected and the
source row will have its button illuminated, if the ME 2 Display Row is selected. If
the ME 1 Display row is selected, Device Control-B will become active.
To effect/modify another source select any mapped source on the switcher’s
Display Row in ME 1 or ME 2.
The display will read out one of the following:
(9N): 16:9 source with no treatment
(9B): 16:9 source with letter box treatment
(9F): 16:9 source with 14:9 treatment
(9C): 16:9 source with center crop treatment
(4N): 4:3 source with no treatment
(4B): 4:3 source with pillar box, treatment
(4F): 4:3 source with 14:9 treatment
(4C): 4:3 source with center crop treatment.