For users switching from MLD-1G to MLD-2G:
In MLD-2G, the list parameters P-0-1470.0.x / P-0-1471.0.x are
no longer contained in the process images.
When sercos I/O modules are assigned to a drive which supports
MLD-2G (IndraWorks Project Explorer, "sercos IO" branch), the
sercos I/O modules and their addresses are automatically created
in the process images of MLD. This allows adjusting the sercos
I/O modules to the requirements of the installation.
Memory Ranges and Addressing
The parameters of the process images are word-oriented (inputs additionally
long-word-oriented). This allows assigning all inputs and outputs available in
the drive for use in the PLC.
The following addresses are reserved for the I/O channel:
Process Input Images (PIIs):
The address range %IB0 to %IB131 is reserved for the PII of the
local inputs/outputs. The address range cannot be changed and is
always existing.
[Parameters P-0-1390 to P-0-1409, P-0-1440 to P-0-1447 (please
observe the availability specified in the parameter description)]
The address range starting with %IB132 for "Rexroth Inline" I/Os
(sercos IO)
Process Output Images (POIs):
The address range %QB0 to %QB38 is reserved for the POI of the
local inputs/outputs. The address range cannot be changed and is
always existing.
[Parameters P-0-1410 to P-0-1429 (please observe the availability
specified in the parameter description)]
The address range starting with %QB40 for "Rexroth Inline" I/Os
A total of 16 kbytes each.
The examples below explain how the inputs and outputs are addressed in the
process image:
Process image
Var AT %IX0.2 : BOOL
Bit#2 of word to address 0
P-0-1390, bit 2
Var AT %IX1.9 : BOOL
Bit#9 of word to address 0
P-0-1391, bit 9
Var AT %IW3 : WORD
2 bytes
Word to address 6
Var AT %QB2 : BYTE
1 bytes
Byte to address 2
P-0-1411 (low byte)
Var AT %QD2 : WORD
2 bytes
Word to address 8
4 bytes
Long word to address 8
P-0-1414 and P-0-1415
Tab. 5-1:
Examples of Addressing Inputs and Outputs in the Process Image
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
MLD communication interfaces and data channels
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01