these motion control solutions is less hardware-dependent. The reusability of
the application software is increased and the time and effort involved in train‐
ing and project planning are reduced.
PLCopen has the following objectives:
Performance: Users write their programs very close to the hardware
with dedicated functions, in order to get the highest performance possi‐
ble as dictated by their environment. This limits the users in their options
with respect to the target hardware and the reusability of the control
software and increases the training costs.
Functionality: The second user option allows for a very broad range of
software functionality that can be offered. This can be very helpful to the
user, but will rarely lead to high performance. Moreover, training costs
are very high.
Standardization: The third corner, standardization, is primarily focused
on reusability across different systems from different suppliers, including
integrated, distributed and networked systems, as well as reduction in
training investments. Due to the general character of this definition, the
performance on different architectures can be less optimal than hard
coding. Due to this, standardization should not be expected to offer
maximum performance but can get very close to the maximum function‐
ality, meaning that the bottom of the triangle is very short.
Figure name DF000146
Fig. 8-1:
Objectives of PLCopen
The trend towards transferring PLC programs from one target to the other as
easily and quickly as possible is intensified by the official release of the speci‐
fication of the PLCopen Motion Task Force. This specification defines func‐
tions and function blocks for single-axis positioning, as well as electronic gear
functions. In addition, a basic procedure for implementing motion-triggering
function blocks was defined.
Libraries for Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
General properties of the libraries
This section provides an overview of the libraries for Rexroth
IndraMotion MLD. For details, please refer to the Library Descrip‐
tion ("Rexroth IndraMotion, MLD Libraries as of MPx-18").
The function blocks contained in the libraries for Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
are based on the PLCopen specification and all of them, in principle, act in
the same way.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Programming information
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01