Programming languages
A total of "5+1" programming languages are available in IndraLogic:
Instruction List (IL)
Structured Text (ST)
Ladder Diagram (LD)
Function Block Diagram (FBD)
Continuous Function Chart (CFC)
+ Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
The basic programming language that should be used depends on the appli‐
Recommended basic programming languages
Logic processing
Ladder Diagram (LD) should be used as the basic programming language.
This applies specifically to the basic logic that is commissioned by the ma‐
chine installer and maintained and, if necessary, programmed by the system
owner (especially external I/O handling).
Motion control
The programming language used for "Motion Control" functions depends on
the regulations of the system owner.
If interfaces and functional principles of function blocks have been exactly
documented, it is less important which programming language was chosen.
A separate programming language can be selected for each new block.
This also applies to each new action.
Actions can be used within function blocks, too, and not only with‐
in sequences of Sequential Function Chart (SFC). These actions
then use the same declaration as the function block itself.
Information on PLC programming
IEC steps should be used as often as possible (Tools ▶ Use IEC-steps). At
an IEC step it is possible to program a maximum of 9 actions and one input
and output action each.
The order in which actions are processed per step is alphanumer‐
ic and is not based on the graphical order in the SFC sequence!
The following applies:
"Details" in the actions can only be seen via the function block view.
Transitions are used as step-enabling conditions and, as is the case
with actions, can also be programmed in any language.
In a PLC cycle, the active steps/actions are always executed first and then
the transition is calculated. When the transition has been fulfilled, the se‐
quence is advanced in the next PLC cycle, but the actions of the previous
step(s) are post-processed before the new step/action(s). You should there‐
fore consider using a freewheeling task, because in this case processing is
continued almost immediately after changing to another step.
Programming with the simplified steps can be done for simple sequences.
Step and action are fused to form a logic implementation per step. "Details" in
the logic can be seen directly via the step.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Programming information
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01