Due to its width of 16 bits, the input does not accept any other pa‐
rameter types (such as "A" or "Y"). This means the range of val‐
ues is automatically protected from incorrect values.
Parameterization and programming information
Read/write parameters in DINT
16-bit and 32-bit parameters are transferred in sercos scaling format with the
function blocks "MX_ReadParamDINT"/"MX_WriteParamDINT". (Example:
With standard scaling, 1 degree corresponds to a value of 10000.) This
means the values are provided as signed 32-bit "DINT" values when read.
If a PLC register parameter (e.g., P-0-1370) has been set to the
data format FLOAT, function block "MB_ReadRealParame‐
ter"/"MB_WriteRealParameter" has to be used to read/write the
value (data) of the parameter.
For the function blocks that access parameters, the "Parameter‐
Number" input was changed from "DINT" to "MB_IDN" as of
MPx06. "MB_IDN" is available for all IndraMotion variants. With
"IndraMotion MLD", "MB_IDN" corresponds to the sercos III defi‐
nition, giving it a data width of 32 bits. Both "DINT" type and
"MB_IDN" type constants can be used at the "ParameterNumber"
input. PLC programs created before MPx06 are still operable.
Read/write text parameters
The functions "MX_fReadStringParam"/"MX_fWriteStringParam" can be used
for processing text parameters.
The "WriteBuffered" input can be used to buffer each parameter.
Parameter channel libraries
The figure below shows an example from the "PLCopen" library:
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
MLD communication interfaces and data channels
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01