Fig. 7-12:
Essential PLC project files in the context of the IndraWorks project
The left side of the above figure shows the IW packages and libraries instal‐
led on the PC. It also shows optional libraries which were created by the in‐
stallation of technology packages or by the user's installation.
The bottom of the figure shows the drive with the relevant data memories.
When the external memory card is available, the PLC source code can be
loaded or symbol information for HMIs can be loaded. In this case, the pa‐
rameter memory is also contained on the memory card (not visible in the fig‐
The top of the figure shows an IndraWorks project archive. When the project
is archived, it is transferred to a single packed file. The IndraWorks project it‐
self consists of structure information, an optional parameter backup and an
optional PLC project. The PLC project is contained in a subdirectory and con‐
tains all files created by IndraLogic. The most important of these files is the
one with the *.project extension which contains the PLC source code and
project settings. The PLC directory contains a subdirectory called "LIB".
When a new project is created, the system copies all libraries of the appropri‐
ate release of the current target to this subdirectory.
The actions which the user can carry out are marked with arrows and will be
explained in detail in the following chapters.
Saving projects in the drive
When a PLC project is created and loaded, different files are generated in the
target (drive).
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
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