Fig. 4-2:
Setting the start behavior of the PLC runtime
MLD options for influencing axis control
General information
The initialization state of the local axis control and with it the local axis itself
can be influenced in the PLC user program by using the "MX_SetDevice‐
Mode" firmware function block (see [C] in
chapter "MLD-M device control" on
). This is necessary, e.g., when basic changes in configuration, i.e.
parameter modifications, are to be carried out that can only be made in the
parameter mode. This is also possible if sercos is used for master communi‐
MLD-M device control
The device control of the CCD group in the MLD-M design is based on the
basic functions of MLD-S.
Please note the following additions to the MLD-S design (also see figure be‐
The sercos III master interface is an additional system block in MLD-M
(in "CCD master" device). This interface uses its state machine to define
the CCD group (sercos III network) and with it the run-up of the connec‐
ted CCD slave devices.
The linking property between the state machines of the CCD group and
the axis control in the CCD master can be configured (P-0-1800.0.1,
bit 5). If they are not linked, axis control parameter mode in the CCD
master does not switch the CCD group to communication phase 2.
In the linked mode (P-0-1800.0.1, bit 5="1"), the state machine of
the sercos III master interface is specified by the axis control in the
CCD master (E), i.e., axis control parameter mode in the CCD
master translates to communication phase 2 in the CCD group, or
axis control operating mode the CCD master translates to commu‐
nication phase 4 in the CCD group.
In the linked mode, MLD-M can use the firmware function block
"MX_SetDeviceMode" to control the state of axis control and with it
the state of the CCD group. "MX_SetDeviceMode" can only take
effect on the local axis (and with it, possibly, on the group as a
whole). Calling "MX_SetDeviceMode" (local axis in CCD master)
with the input "OperationMode" = FALSE switches the CCD master
to parameter mode and the CCD group and CCD slaves connected
to it to communication phase 2. As a result, the CCD slaves are al‐
so switched to parameter mode, i.e., the entire CCD group is set to
parameter mode.
In the unlinked mode (P-0-1800.0.1, bit 5="0"), the command
"P-0-1802.0.1, C7400 CCD: Switching to phase 2" has to be used
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Basic functions of Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01