Technology functions can be used in various ways:
The technology function can be loaded as a parameter file via commissioning
software (e.g., IndraWorks)
Technology function supplied as a package containing the PLC project
and possibly additional parameters (parameter file without source code).
It is impossible to access the PLC source code via IndraLogic.
There is no debug function and no programming option.
The handling is comparable to an invariably programmed firmware func‐
Technology function as a library (individual function blocks)
The library does not contain any source code (access is password-pro‐
The individual function blocks have been combined in groups (libraries)
(e.g., variable error reactions [return motion, etc.]).
The full debug function is available and programming is possible (similar
to "DISC" macros of the EcoDrive range).
Pertinent parameters
The following parameters are used in conjunction with technology functions:
P-0-1350, PLC control word
P-0-1351, PLC status word
P-0-1352, PLC user program administration data
P-0-1353, PLC user program area 0
P-0-1354, PLC user program area 1
P-0-1355, PLC user program area 2
P-0-1356, PLC user program area 3
P-0-1357, PLC user program area 4
P-0-1358, PLC user program area 5
P-0-1360, PLC program identifier
P-0-1361, PLC program name
P-0-1367, PLC configuration
(possibly other register parameters of the PLC)
Notes on commissioning and programming
Loading and activating technology
Technology functions can be loaded in two ways:
Loading them as a parameter file via the commissioning software (e.g.,
in IndraWorks, double-clicking "Technology functions" in the MLD folder
opens the menu for managing the technology functions, cf. "P-0-1353,
PLC user program area 0" to "P-0-1358, PLC user program area 5"). In
this case, you only have to load and then parameterize the desired tech‐
nology function (parameterization has to be carried out according to the
pre-programmed functions).
Loading the project via IndraLogic
Technology functions
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01