buttons display the numbers of log entries of the corresponding catego‐
Time Stamp: Date and time, e.g. "30.06.2012 04:22"
Description: Description of the event, e.g. "Import function failed of
Component: Name of the affected component.
Com Name (component name): An individual component can be picked
from a selection list so that only the logbook entries concerning this
component will be displayed. The standard setting is All components.
Logger: The selection list contains the available logs. The standard set‐
ting is the "<Default Logger>" preset by the target, at present identical to
"PlcLog" for the IndraLogic runtime system.
The list of logbook entries can be refreshed by means of the
The content of the list can be exported to an XML file. For
this purpose, click the
button to open the standard dialog
for saving a file. The file filter has been set to
"xml-files (*.xml)". The list of logbook entries is stored in the
selected directory with the specified file name. When the
"Offline-Logging" option has been activated, the actions
which do not refer to the connection to the control unit are
recorded, too. Currently, this has only been implemented for
the Safety version of the programming system.
PLC Settings
The "PLC settings" tab page is used to specify how the PLC behaves in the
stop state.
Fig. 9-4:
Device Editor, PLC Settings
Application for I/O Handling
If there are several applications available for the device, they are provided
here in a selection list. The first application entered here is the standard ap‐
plication which is automatically created with a standard project.
PLC Settings
Update IO while in stop: When this option has been activated (default), the
values of the input and output channels are updated, even when the PLC
goes to the stop status.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Diagnostic and service functions
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01