When the master is not in control ("Ab"), warning E2140 is generated in
the master instead of error F2140.
Note the following points when selecting the error reaction (cf. P-0-1800.0.1,
bit8, 7):
, bit8,7
Notes on utilization
Notes on parameterization
No reaction to function block errors
Useful for error reaction programmed by
motion control (e.g., all axes decelerate
synchronously controlled by virtual mas‐
ter axis generator, which is stopped by
control unit in the event of an error).
A special error reaction can be pro‐
grammed in MLD, if necessary, by us‐
ing the bit list "P-0-1810.0.16, CCD: Ax‐
is error" or "AxisData".
Error reaction to function block errors
When an axis or function block com‐
manding error occurs, only the affected
axis carries out its selective error reac‐
tion, while all other axes remain in con‐
Master-controlled synchronous error re‐
action of the entire CCD/MLD group
Useful for automated error reaction with
synchronous group of CCD slaves to
the master motion of the CCD master
(e.g., Gantry axes with CCD slave fol‐
low actual position value of master, etc.)
When this error reaction is active,
parameter "P-0-170x, CCD: Diag‐
nostic message number, slave x"
is cyclically evaluated. For this
purpose, P-0-170x has to be con‐
figured in P-0-1805.x.2 for each
slave. S-0-0390 has to be en‐
tered at the appropriate location
in P-0-1805.x.4.
Bit 10 can be used to select
whether or not P-0-179x and
S-0-0390 are configured auto‐
matically for all slaves.
The NC reaction has to be config‐
ured in all slaves (cf. P-0-0117)
so they also remain in control in
the event of an error and can fol‐
low the master command value in
order to ensure synchronous re‐
action when an error occurs in
the slave.
Immediate error reaction of the
CCD/MLD group
Useful for automated error reaction
without complex programming in the
motion control (default state).
The class 1 diagnostics error bits (cf.
S-0-1135) of the axes in the CCD group
are cyclically monitored in the CCD
Tab. 4-11:
Notes on selecting the error reaction
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Basic functions of Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01