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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
Hide for calibrated:
Hides numeric values of data of channels with
external signal calibration.
ast value…)
Show all:
Numeric values of data of all channels are shown.
Number of decimals:
Number of decimals in last value.
Enable notch filter
: Sets on the notch filtering of the data.
Disable notch filter
: Sets off the notch filtering of the data.
Display filter:
Selection of display filter defined in Tools | Display Filter Pool.
Raw Mode
: When selected signals are shown at the original sampling frequency. In
“Raw Mode” display filtering is not available. In this case only min/max decimation is
In curve drawing area of raw monitor: right-clicking on top of a single channel in a
monitor opens a settings window for individual channels:
Y-axis max.:
Sets Y-axis maximal level of the channel.
Y-axis min.:
Sets Y-axis minimum level of the channel.
: Increase vertical axis sensitivity of the channel (for quick scale adjustment).
: Decrease vertical axis sensitivity of the channel (for quick scale adjustment).
Set Y-axis range (all):
Y-axis range to all channels according to min
– max settings.
Set Y-axis range (same signal type):
Y-axis range to all channels with same signal
type according to min
– max settings.
– If checked the curve will be forced to stay on the drawing area by
changing the Y-scaling but keeping the user defined range (= Max. Y
– Min. Y).
Inverted y-axis:
If selected inverts the y-axis of the channel.
Sets baseline visible (on/off) of the channel.
Line color:
Color of the channel definition in the measurement (does not affect the
default color set in the Protocol tool).
Notch filter:
Sets Notch filter on/off for the channel.
Display filter:
Sets selected display filter for the channel.