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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
protocol. In this example the mastoids are the inputs named TP9 and TP10 and these
names are written in the Name field.
Next, we go to the Montage pool to make the P300 montage. Now you should see the
inputs of the protocol just made it with its name in the Montage list on the left hand side
window. Select this protocol and on the right hand side window in the input list select the
Fz, Pz, and Cz inputs and click Create New Protocol. A new protocol will appear in the
montage list with named after the date and time stamp of creation. Now rename this
protocol to P300 and make sure it has the three curves. As a default, the reference is
set to be reference and now this must be changed to A1 A2 that was made in the input
group pool. Select Reference source and choose the A1 A1 on the drop down menu.
Now we have all the measurement settings ready for EEG measurement.
Connect StimTracker to Presenation PC with a USB cable. Note that drivers for
StimTracker need to be installed. Next connect response pad to Presentation PC with a
USB cable. To get accurate triggering for auditory stimuli, the stimuli are routed through
StimTracker. For that purpose, connect audio jack cable between PC earphone and
StimTracker Audio in and finally connect the test subject’s earphone to StimTracker
Audio Out. To finalize the measurement system, the 8-bit trigger cable is connected
between StimTracker and NeurOne Main Unit. Now the measurement system is ready