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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
default values or leave them as they are for now. Now before moving on, copy the
montage to Montage Pool for later modification simply clicking To Montage Pool button.
On the fifth page of the Protocol tool you define what plugins are used. As a default
“Data Writer” and “Raw” are added in every protocol. In this example, we will add
Impedance and Response Monitor. First, select Impedance plugin, click Add button and
to the impedance monitor is added to the protocol. Now select the Response monitor
and click “Add”. In P300 measurement two auditory stimulus signals are used so the
used protocol should also have two response monitors. The second Response monitor
is added by clicking Add button. Next step is to give name to the response monitor and
set its settings. The first response monitor is named to be P300 standard and the
second P300 target. Other settings except Accepted 8-bit Trigger Values will be similar
and the following settings are set: Window: Pre-stim time (ms): 50, Post-stim time (ms):
500. Set P300 standard to accepted only 8-bit value 1 by check its box and P300 to
accept only value 2. To save the protocol, click Ok button. Note that 8-values might be
different depending on the used software and hardware that generate the auditory
Now we have the measurement protocol ready and next we will made P300 montage for
response monitors. This P300 montage will have three curves Fz, Pz, and Cz with linked
mastoid (the average of A1 and A2) as a reference. First we need to make the input
group for the reference. Go to Tools tab and select Input Group Pool. In the left hand
side window click Add to make a new input group and name it A1 A2. Next, set the
calculator to be average. After this, add two inputs using Add button on the right hand
side window. Now these inputs must have the same name as the input name in the