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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
Installation complete window will appear indicating successfully made installation. Click
Finish button.
If checkbox “Open release notes after install” is checked, the release
notes are opened.
Now you are ready to start using NeurOne software.
3.3.4 NeurOne Database Conversion
If you have an older NeurOne version (1.3.x) that uses SQL Server 2005 for database,
you need to convert the NeurOne database file so that it will work with new version of
First install SQL Server 2014 express with management studio to your computer.
is not contained in the NeurOne installer. You need to download it.
Open SQL Server 2014 Management Studio from:
Start Menu\All Programs\Microsoft SQL Server 2014\SQL Server 2014 management
In the window that opens up, go the server name and select the SQL Server that
contains the name NEUROSQLEXPRESS. Click connect. The window below should
Make sure that you are connected to the right version for the SQL Server 12.0.2000.
Then right-click on the database and click Attach.