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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
Minimum number of inputs required for impedance measurement is
2 unipolar (if only unipolar signals are measured) and 2 unipolar
and 2 bipolar (if also bipolar signals are measured) on each
Amplifier used in the measurement.
Name of the electrode or sensor (free text field).
Device Filter
Selected device filter from drop-down list. Filters are dedicated for
selected sampling frequency.
There must be device filter selected for each channel. Always make
sure that the filter is proper as anti-aliasing filter for selected
sampling frequency.
If you have changed the sampling frequency while editing the
Protocol, make sure that selected device filter is the correct one.
The name of pre-defined device filters describes the filter as follows:
For example in the filter LP_1500 Hz (80kHz_ 10kHz)
1500 Hz
= cut-off frequency of the filter
80 kHz
= fundamental sampling frequency of hardware
10 kHz
= actual (output) sampling frequency defined in protocol
Signal Type
Type of the signal to be measured (for example EEG, EMG, ECG).
Unit of the signal to be measured (for example µV, BPM).
If checked the input is measured in AC mode; i.e. the measurement bandwidth is
from 0.16 Hz. The gain in AC mode is 1000/50 (EXG/Tesla). If AC is not checked, the
mode is DC with bandwidth from DC, gain is 10/10 (EXG/Tesla). See chapter 8 for
further information.
This field is for external signal calibration. The content of the field is min; max
(note the separator is semicolon between the numbers). Those numbers are values
measured during the calibration. Refer to appendix 6: Use of external signals. Do not
change the default number before calibration measurement has been done.
Range As Calibrated
– This field is for external signal calibration. The content of the
field is actual min; actual max (note the separator is semicolon between the numbers).
Those numbers are true signal values corresponding to the measured min and max