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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
NeurOne software measurement view is based on a unique monitor structure, where
each monitor (raw, response and impedance) is totally scalable and movable. This
feature allows monitor windows to be placed in different screens in a multiple displays
setup and enables monitors to be hidden, placed on top of each other, stacked,
minimized or maximized. To move monitor, select the window by dragging from the
header bar with the left mouse button. If not otherwise indicated, the moved monitor
will be placed to the exact position of the mouse at the time the mouse button is
released. When the desired monitor layout is reached it can be saved for that protocol
by using “Save Layout” feature.
The monitors can be closed from view by clicking the close window (x) at the top right
of the monitor.
Closed monitors can be reopened by using “Restore Monitors” feature.
The monitors of the measurement view can also be controlled using the buttons on
the Toolbar of the monitor. These buttons control the layout, scaling, sweep time,
triggers and Montage selection for the monitors.
The triggers are shown on top of the monitor area. Trigger symbol (=arrowhead
pointing downwards) of each trigger type has own color. Raw Monitor Properties
Raw monitor will receive data at 1 kHz
(or lower if protocol sampling frequency is
below 1kHz) and all display filtering is done on that frequency. Therefore, display
filters should be designed at sampling rates of 250, 500 or 1000 Hz.
Raw monitor tool bar:
Window (s)
: The time range of the monitor view in seconds. To change the value use
arrow buttons (< or >) or edit the value. If edited press enter to activate the change.
: Decrease vertical axis sensitivity.
: Increase vertical axis sensitivity.
: The curve is placed in the middle of draw area without Y range change.
: The curve is scaled with best fit on the drawing area.
Montage selection
: “Default” Montage defined in Protocol is shown as default. Drop
down menu for changing the active Montage.