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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
Tesla amplifier
: disconnect Offset Calibration Adapter from Cap INPUTS
EXG Amplifier
: disconnect Offset Calibration Adapter from Cap and
Bipolar/module connectors. Connect Calibration Adapter to Cap and
Bipolar/module connectors.
In EXG amplifier: make sure that Calibration Adapter is connected
to Cap and Bipolar/module connectors for internal gain calibration.
20. Press Select all button to select all channels for calibration or select desired
21. Press
22. In Calibration options window: set AC and DC signal path, set Calibration type
Gain. Check Use internal test signal. Run the offset calibration with settings
on the following figure.
23. Press OK to proceed.
24. Calibration progress windows shows the progress all calibration steps defined
to be executed.
25. When AC and DC gain calibration is completed close the window.
26. The calibration values of Gain DC and Gain AC are updated in Amplifier
calibration windows according to measurement data.