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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
MeasurementEnd packet is sent by NeurOne to indicate
the end of the measurement. It’s the last packet emitted
when measurement hardware is stopped.
The Join packet is sent by the system receiving NeurOne
digital out data. Main purpose of this packet is to enable
MeasurementStart packet re-emission by NeurOne in
cases where the receiver system comes online after
NeurOne measurement has already been started.
Send HardwareState Packets
(This includes ClockSourceState Packets)
If checked, HardwareState packet is sent.
HardwareState packet relays information about
measurement hardware state, which can be considered
metadata in regards to the measurement. It’s sent by
applicable NeurOne main units at the start of the
measurement after MeasurementStart packet before any
measurement data (samples / triggers) is emitted and also
upon reception of a Join packet. Note that this packet can
contain different payloads which depend on the situation.
Trigger delivery on rising edge (trigger sample channel)
If checked and triggers are sent as a channel, trigger
delivery takes place at the site of rising edge of incoming
trigger pulse.
Sending triggering information among the samples poses
an additional problem; after a rising edge on a trigger port
the hardware must wait for a specified time to ensure the
configured trigger pulse length is satisfied (see figure
below). If trigger must occur on the sample of the rising
edge the system must stall digital out sample delivery in
order to deliver the trigger on the correct sample (t
Alternatively, the trigger can be delivered on the sample it
is accepted on, i.e. the sample when trigger pulse length is
satisfied on (t
). The former causes jitter in sample
packet delivery timing. The latter causes trigger to be sent
late in relation to the rising edge.