Te le pho ning
Initiate a call
Dial call number - without option to make a correction
Dial call num ber
Dial call number - with option to make a correction
Dial call num ber
To amend the call num ber or to cor rect an in cor rect en try, se lect the in cor rect di git with the ar row keys and press the
C key to de le te it. Then en ter the cor rect digit.
If you want to car ry out the call using the re cei ver, life the re cei ver af ter en te ring the call num ber. At any time du ring a
call, you can switch back and forth bet ween hands free, re cei ver and loud spea ker.
Af ter you have en te red a call num ber, you can also press the loud spea ker key in or der to be able to se lect the call num -
ber and use the hands free system.
If it is not pos si ble to con nect a call (e.g. call num ber blo cked by dial con trol) or the cost ac count of the num ber/MSN
is emp ty), a mes sa ge to this ef fect will ap pe ar in the te le pho ne dis play; e.g.: »
Blo cked: Call no.
«, if the dial con -
trol is activated.
If you have lif ted the re cei ver and you are not con nec ted, you can ac cept a call wai ting via the »
ac cept
« soft key wit -
hout ha ving to re pla ce the re cei ver. You will be no ti fied of the call by a brief mes sa ge. If you set up a con nec ti on key or
a cor re spon ding ma cro key, you can ac cept the call straight away by pressing the key.
Ot her op tions for di al ling when the re cei ver is re pla ced
It is also pos si ble to dial a num ber when the re cei ver is re pla ced and to cor rect or supp le ment a call num ber be fo re di -
al ling when calling:
From the re di al me mo ry (see page 21).
From the cal ler/mes sa ge list (see page 33).
From the pho ne book (see page 30).
From the VIP me mo ry (see page 32).
Using the functi on keys (see page 19).
Via the PABX CTI (TAPI) functi on (see page 88).
If you want to use one of the se op tions, you can make furt her en tries be fo re in itia ting the call. You can de ter mi ne, for
ex am ple, whet her or not a call num ber (MSN) is to be trans mit ted to the called party.
You can use the Pro fes sio nal Sys tel-Con fi gu ra tor to de ter mi ne which functions are sa ved di rect ly un der the »Pho ne
book« soft key: »
lo cal
« or »
«. You can re ach the se cond lay er of functions by pres sing the R key.
Select from the phone book on the PABX / elmeg hybird
If you are using the sys tem te le pho ne on a PABX with sys tem te le pho ny, you can dial from the pho ne book on the
Te le pho ning
Initiate a call
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
Page 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
Page 138: ...132...
Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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