Chan ge the call num ber as des cri bed on pa ge 12.
Ex am ple: »
Con firm your en tries with
Program VIP number
Caller and message list
The sys tem te le pho ne has a com bi ned cal ler and note his to ry. A ma xi mum of 30 en tries (calls, mes sa ges, SMS short
mes sa ges or UUS1 text mes sa ges) shall be pos si ble in this list. En tries in the cal ler/note his to ry are shown on the dis -
play by pres sing the »
Cal ler list
« soft key. The most re cent en tries made are al ways in the list. The last en try ad -
ded is dis play ed first.
When you press this soft key the num ber of new calls and me mos is shown on the dis play (for ex am ple: »
calls: 4!
«) and to get her with the num ber of new SMS or UUS1 mes sa ges (for ex am ple: »
Messages: 2
You will also see the num ber of the en try and the num ber of all en tries in the list be fo re each en try.
E.g.: »
3/10: 1122334455...... *
If the call num ber of an en try in this list is the same as the call num ber of a pho ne book re cord (pho ne book on the sys -
tem te le pho ne or PABX), the cor re spon ding name is dis play ed ins te ad of the call num ber. You can view the time,
date and furt her in for ma ti on (pro vi ded it is avai la ble) for each en try. If you lift the re cei ver whilst vie wing an en try,
the cor re spon ding num ber is di al led au to ma ti cal ly. In di vi du al en tries can be deleted individually from the list.
Caller history
Calls that you do not ac cept that you in ten tio nal ly re ject are sa ved in the cal ler his to ry.
If a call is com ple ted with a sub scri ber in the cal ler list (you call him or he calls you), the en try is de le ted au to ma ti cal ly
and car ried over to the redial memory.
Message list
In the mes sa ge list you can save call num bers. You can not save let ters or ot her cha rac ters in a mes sa ge en try. If a call is
com ple ted with a sub scri ber in the mes sa ge list (you call him or he call you), the en try is de le ted au to ma ti cal ly and
car ried over to the re di al me mo ry.
You can en ter a memo du ring a call or whilst the sys tem te le pho ne is idle. The fol lo wing en tries can be made in the
memo list:
Ma nu al en try.
Num ber from the VIP me mo ry.
Num ber from the pho ne book.
Num ber from the des ti na ti on num ber me mo ry (functi on keys).
Num ber from the re di al me mo ry.
SMS/UUS1 messages
This performance feature is not currently supported by elmeg hybird!
If you have re cei ved new mes sa ges, the num ber of mes sa ges re cei ved is dis play ed when the sys tem te le pho ne is idle.
In the cal ler his to ry you can see the num ber or the name of the sen der and an in di ca ti on of the mes sa ge type (SMS or
UUS1). Af ter pres sing the menu key you can read the mes sa ge re cei ved eit her straight away or you can save it in the
list of SMS or UUS1 mes sa ges to read la ter.
If you have al rea dy vie wed a new mes sa ge in the list of sa ved UUS1 or SMS mes sa ges, the cor re spon ding entry in the
caller list is deleted.
Caller and message list
Ope ra te sys tem te le pho ne
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
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Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
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Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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