Te le pho ning with se ve ral peo ple
Call Waiting
If you have en ab led call wai ting for your sys tem te le pho ne (see page 70), you are avai la ble to ot her cal lers du ring an
exi sting connection.
Call wai ting
(Ex ten si on 2)
Call with ex ten si on 1
ac cept
Call with ex ten si on 2;
Ex ten si on 1 is on hold
You can ac cept, re ject or trans fer a wai ting call to anot her ex ten si on. If you al rea dy have four con nec tions
on your sys tem te le pho ne, you can not trans fer any more calls (pass).
Hold for enquiry
Du ring an exi sting call, you can put up to three furt her con nec tions on hold. To in itia te a hold for en qui ry con nec ti on
you can use the MSN key or a line key.
Call with ex ten si on
Ex ten si on 1 is on hold
Dial call num ber
Call with ex ten si on 2
If you want to estab lish ot her con nec tions, pro ceed as des cri bed.
Pres sing the Dis con nect but ton ends the ac ti ve con nec ti on and re turns you to the last held con nec ti on. As soon as
the re is no held con nec ti on, a new con nec ti on is established.
Call transfer in hold for enquiry to an engaged extension
This per for man ce fea tu re is only pos si ble with an ex ten si on on hold. You want to for ward a call in hold for en qui ry to
anot her en ga ged extension.
Call with ex ten si on 1 Ex ten si on 1 is on
Ex ten si on 2 is
trans fer
Re pla ce re cei ver
Ex ten si on who is on hold shall hear mu sic on hold. If Ex ten si on 2 hangs up, the call with Ex ten si on 1 then ta kes place.
Call forwarding (call transfer)
When trans fer ring a call, the ac ti ve ex ten si on and the ex ten si on of the last held con nec ti on are al ways connected.
You can car ry out a hold for en qui ry (e.g. to an noun ce the call) or trans fer the call di rect ly wit hout an noun ce ment.
Call with ex ten si on 1
Ex ten si on 1 is on
Dial call num ber
Call with ex ten si on 2
trans fer
Plea se note that when trans fer ring two ex ter nal par ties, this per for man ce fea tu re (ECT - Ex pli cit Call Trans -
fer) must be sup por ted by the PABX or, if you use the sys tem te le pho ne di rect ly on the NTBA, by the
network operator.
If you have more than one ac ti ve con nec ti on on your sys tem te le pho ne as a re sult of call wai ting or hol ding (max. 4
con nec tions), you can spe ak al ter na ti ve ly with the se ex ten sions (bro ke ring). De pen ding on the num ber of con nec -
Te le pho ning with se ve ral peo ple
Call Waiting
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
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Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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