Preparations for Installation (see figure )
Plea se ob ser ve the sa fe ty no tes in the in struc ti on ma nu als for your te le pho ne.
Un plug the ISDN con nec tor for the te le pho ne from the ISDN out let.
Pla ce the te le pho ne face down on a soft sur fa ce so that you can read the na me pla te on the bot tom
of the pho ne.
Un plug any con nec ting cords
that may be at ta ched (ISDN, hand set, he ad set, PC).
Re mo ve the two rear feet
and then loo sen the three screws
Ca re ful ly lift off the bot tom en clo su re half of the te le pho ne. You will then be able to see the prin -
ted cir cuit board (pcb) of the te le pho ne.
Installing the module (see figure 2)
The plug con nec tor
for con nec ting the ans we ring ma chi ne mo du le is lo ca ted on the right sec -
ti on of the te le pho ne pcb
near the hand set and he ad set jacks.
Plug the so cket con nec tor
for the ans we ring ma chi ne mo du le
into the plug con nec tor for
the pcb
and en su re that it fits pro per ly and snu gly.
Clo se the en clo su re by re pla cing the bot tom half and tighte ning the two screws. In sert the rub ber
supp orts.
You can also at tach the ad he si ve na me pla te in clu ded with the sys tem to the bot tom of the pho ne
to la bel the ans we ring ma chi ne in the te le pho ne.
To com ple te in stal la ti on, re-con nect the con nec ting cords (for ex am ple ISDN port, hand set, he -
ad set, PC) to the te le pho ne.
Ans we ring ma chi ne
Opt UP0 S0
3 2
Fi gu re: 1
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
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Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
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Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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