BinTec elmeg CS410 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 54


If the to tal cost is de le ted, all MSN cost ac counts are de le ted at the same time. The re co gni ti on and sa ving of
the  pro ce du re  for  trans mit ting  cost  in for ma ti on  is  re-activated.

View/delete costs of individual call numbers (MS)

Start as fol lows:









You can view the to tal cost for a sing le call num ber. Ex am ple for





0,31 EUR








If you wish to de le te the to tal costs for the se lec ted num ber (ex am -
ple MS-2), press the left ar row key and then the »

de le te?





0,31 EUR

Last conn.



Set up tariff factor and denomination

Start as fol lows:






Con fi gu ra ti on

Char ge


Char ge


En ter the ta riff fac tor and con firm your en try with 


. The length of the ta riff fac tor is li mit ed to 4

cha rac ters. Press the as te risk key to en ter a comma.


Cur ren cy

« En ter the de no mi na ti on and con firm your en try with 


. The length of the name is li mit ed to 6 cha -

rac ters. For the text en try of let ters, di gits or spe ci al cha rac ters, the keys are as sig ned as des cri bed on
page .


de le te?


All  cost  in for ma ti on  sa ved  in  the  sys tem  te le pho ne  will  be  de le ted.  Re co gni ti on  and  sa ving  of  the  pro -
ce du re  used  to  trans mit  cost  in for ma ti on  (see  page  43) is re-activated.

<$ I[English]Credits Based Accounting System><Setting the call costs account for a number

Cannot be configured using the system telephone on the elmeg hybird!

You can set up a cost ac count for each num ber (MS) en te red in the sys tem te le pho ne. In this cost ac count the num ber

(MS) is al lo ca ted an amount in the spe ci fied cur ren cy that is avai la ble for ma king calls. Once the al lo ca ted amount

has been used, only free calls can be used from this out going num ber (MS). If dial con trol is set up, char ge ab le calls

can be made to the free call num bers in dial con trol. 

If the amount of the cost ac count is ex cee ded du ring a call, this call can still be com ple ted. 
Once the amount has been in crea sed or the cost ac count has been deleted, paying calls can be made.


Cau ti on: Not all pro vi ders send cost in for ma ti on. If you te le pho ne using a pro vi der that does not supp ly cost 
in for ma ti on, the cost ac count is not applicable.

Che cking  costs

Set up tariff factor and denomination


Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410

Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmeg CS410 elmeg CS410 U elmeg CS400xt elmeg IP S400 Answering machine T400 T400 2...

Page 2: ...web address http www bintec elmeg com The crossed out waste bin icon on the device indicates that the device must be disposed of separately from normal household waste at the disposal sites provided a...

Page 3: Without call number CLIR Suppressing the call number anonymous call 23 Initiating a call with a fixed call number MSN 23 Redialling 24 Switching the microphone on off loudspeaker and hands free...

Page 4: ...ings 70 Configuration 77 elmeg IP S400 configuration 83 Number programming 86 Macro 88 Macro programming 88 System telephone and PC 91 CTI TAPI via the USB connector on the system telephone 91 CTI via...

Page 5: ...Software 121 System telephone menu 125 Options 129 Index 131 Quick Install Guide 141 Table of contents III...

Page 6: ...Table of contents IV...

Page 7: ...rrow keys The arrows and in the right hand corner of the top line of the display showyouthatyoucanaccessotherfunctionsinthebottomlinebyusingthearrowkeys 9 OKkey Pressingthisbuttonconfirmsanentryandsto...

Page 8: ...functionkeyswithLEDs Eachkeyhasa red LEDavailable TheseLEDscanbeusedtoindicatespecificfunctions TheLEDsforbothofthelowerfunctionkeyshavetwocolours Level1 Red Level2 Yellow Labelfieldforfunctionkeys Q...

Page 9: ...thedisplay isdifferent asthefunctionisalreadydisplayedorisnotavailable The following message indicates if differences exist Cannot be configured using the system telephone on the elmeg hybird A summar...

Page 10: ...operation at a point to point PtP connection IfyouwishtoalsouseyoursystemtelephoneforemergencyoperationataPtPconnectionyoumustalsoactivatethis feature using the PC configuration for your system teleph...

Page 11: ...em telephone Module Up0 S0 elmeg CS410 CS410 U CS400xt ToconnectthesystemtelephonetoaU connectoronaPABX youcaninstallthe Up0 S0 mo duleonyoursystemtelephone Youthennolongerneedtheexternal Up0 S0 Conve...

Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...

Page 13: ...objects Ifthedeviceisnotpermanentlymounted positionthedeviceortheaccessoryonanon slip surface Pleaseensurethatyouonlycleanthesystemwithaslightlydampcloth Pleaseensureyouonlyuseapprovedaccessories Only...

Page 14: ...epic ture Please remember that the system telephone device feet may leave marks on delicate surfaces such as on fittings for examples The system telephone manufacturer shall not be liable for any such...

Page 15: ...d in the ISDN socket and the shorter ISDN plug must be inserted in the ISDN socket on the system telephone Next place the S cord cable in the cable guide 4 and clamp it securely under the cable clips...

Page 16: ...adset to the system telephone Please ask your dealer or consult the Internet to find out which headsets are compatible Theheadsetconnectoronthesystemtelephoneisan8 pinsocket HeadsetswithDSHGinterface...

Page 17: seepage60 Ifspecialsupportissavedinthesystemtelephoneforyourheadset enterthecorrespondingtype ofheadset seepage63 e g theLEDinthemicrophoneofthe FireflyF142N fromPlantronicsisswitchedthroughthe...

Page 18: ...ephonehasaninput2andanoutput 3foraudiosignals Theseconnectorsaredesignedfor3 5mm stereo jack plugs When using the optional answering machine module you can connect the system telephone over this conne...

Page 19: found on the sheet enclosed with this user guide Remove the selected name plate To change the plate pull the flexible cover between thumb and forefinger and lift the cover upwards The nameplate ca...

Page 20: ...specifickeyonthediallingpad s Pressasoftkey b c Pressasoftkeyoranarrowkey DependingonthePABX thiskeydoesnothavetobepressedagainifthedis playisdifferent asthefunctionisalreadydisplayedorisnotavailable...

Page 21: ...e of the MSN entered in the PABX in the example 12 Confirm your entry with O Programm dial number MSN 1 12 If no PIN is entered in the system configuration press O and O again when prompted IPS login...

Page 22: AfterconnectingtotheinternalS Uconnection thePABXshowsthedateandtimeonthedisplay Boththedateand timeareautomaticallycopiedfromthePABX Theotherlinesalwayscontainthetextdisplayedforafunctionnextto th...

Page 23: ...position You can overwrite the current surname immediately or delete the existing entry with the C key and then enter the new name Entering letters and numbers If you press a key several times you wil...

Page 24: ...can program the five function keys in two layers with various functions using the PC configuration for the sys tem telephone Each key has a two colour LED that can be used to display the functions Ea...

Page 25: ...ormation Whenthetelephoneisatrest additionalinformationonthefunctionsthataresetupisdisplayedinthetoplineofthe display Display Function set up D Active appointment set I Dial control or call filter act...

Page 26: holder 6 Jack for the additional keyboard input 7 Only T400 Jack for another additional keyboard output 8 Mounting location for rubber support 9 Power supply connector 0 Studs 3 studs for mountin...

Page 27: ...ed cascaded to your telephone The additional T400 2 keypad is de signedforoperationattheendofacascadingline Aplug inpowersupplyisrequiredifyouusemorethanoneaddi tional keypad Use only the approved pow...

Page 28: ...ywit houthavingtoreplacethereceiver Youwillbenotifiedofthecallbyabriefmessage Ifyousetupaconnectionkeyor a corresponding macro key you can accept the call straight away by pressing the key Other optio...

Page 29: ...l number using the function keys If you want to dial a number in the second layer press the desired key twice This must be done quickly Programming of the speed dial function keys is done via the PC c...

Page 30: You can set this function specifically for the next call or permanently see page Suppressing transmission of the call number for the next call Youcanperforminternalorexternaldiallingsothatthecallnu...

Page 31: ...the extended redialling option or transfer as message a W W M s or s Select entry delete Note Press the delete softkey to delete the displayed entry straight away To transfer the entry to the message...

Page 32: ...l In this case press the loudspeaker hands free key during automatic dialling At the end of the call automatic redial is continued Deactivate automatic redialling You can deactivate automatic redialli...

Page 33: ...functionkeyshallbesetupintheformofaheadsetkey TheLED assigned to this button indicates whether the headset is switched on or off LED on off a z t g z Switch on the headset Dial call number Call using...

Page 34: ...onnection al lows both parties to speak Assoonasasystemtelephonehasacceptedthesimplexcall theconnectionisestablished Ifeitherpartypicksupthe receiver during the simplex call the call is converted to a...

Page 35: ...person once they have replaced the receiver at the end of the call Call completion on no response CCNR When you call them you always hear the ringing tone but your business partner is not close to th...

Page 36: the number of the parked extension is no longer displayed To ensure that you can reconnect to your call if two calls are parked each call is assigned a park code from 0 to 99 when parked The park c...

Page 37: ...ed MFCsequencescanbeenteredimmediately Thekeypadisonly displayed after pressing the softkey Softkey MFC isdisplayed Keypadsequencescanbeenteredimmediately MFCisonlydis played after pressing the softke...

Page 38: ...engaged extension Thisperformancefeatureisonlypossiblewithanextensiononhold Youwanttoforwardacallinholdforenquiryto another engaged extension g R t g s a Call with extension 1 Extension 1 is on hold D...

Page 39: ...on keys on the system telephone or the extension This provides keys that allow the status of the connection no connection active connection rest to be identified from the assigned LEDs Conference Ifyo...

Page 40: ...ou can assign a number to each entry MSN 1 MSN 10 which is then transmitted to the called party when makinganoutgoingcall Toestablishaconnectionwiththispresetnumber MSN firstdialtheselectedphonebook r...

Page 41: ...ntry t O Change the name as described on page 12 Example Dean James Confirm your entries with O Change tbook data input Abc Name Dean James t O Change the call number as described on page 12 Example 0...

Page 42: ...e max 20 characters and a call number max 26 digits This performance feature is not stored in the elmeg hybird Programme VIP entry Start as follows a M s s s O Program nos VIP New Select VIP destinati...

Page 43: ...m the list Caller history Calls that you do not accept that you intentionally reject are saved in the caller history Ifacalliscompletedwithasubscriberinthecallerlist youcallhimorhecallsyou theentryisd...

Page 44: ...tsinthecal ler history Press this softkey UUS 2 08 00 Tel drctry Idle VIP Caller list The entries in the caller list are displayed at the bottom of the screen The active entry selected with the arrow...

Page 45: ...rrow keys and then confirm with the menu key UUS Yesterday 15 24 MSN 5 5 09 112233445566 n 6 09 Sales s Press the read softkey for example Note After pressing the right arrow you will also see the Tel...

Page 46: ...ctry t O Enter the name Example Dean Confirm your entries with O Input telephone book Name Dean The corresponding name is now displayed in the caller message list instead of the number 5 Dean Call tod...

Page 47: ...veregisteredforthisperformancefeaturewiththenetworkoperatorortheproviderof theSMScentreforyourISDNconnection IfthecallnumberoftheSMScentreissavedinthesystemtelephone PleaseconsulttheprovideroftheSMSce...

Page 48: ...efirst MS 1 enteredinthesystemtelephoneorthecallnumberdefi ned via the user key is transmitted Start as follows a s s s Message SMS or UUS Send mail Example Create UUS1 text message t O Enter the text...

Page 49: ...tes therem View new text messages received Youcanviewanewmessagefromthecallerhistory seepage33 orfromthelistofreceivedtextmessages Ifyouhave already viewed a new message in the list of received text m...

Page 50: ...hen the Phone book softkey Next enter the name for the phone book record and confirm your entry with the O key continue View next temporary saved text message Text Save onlyUUS1 Transfer the text mess...

Page 51: ...You can allow certain text messages to be re ceived using the system telephone phone book If you have blocked receipt external or internal text messages can only be received if the number of the send...

Page 52: ...tdisturb Allcallsarethensignalledonscreenonly onthedisplay orwithanattention tonedependingonthesetting Thevolumeoftheattentiontonecanbesetasdescribedonpage64 Whenthesystem telephone is at rest r or R...

Page 53: ...hen Wrong charge type is shown in the display In this case delete all of the cost information stored in the system telephone see also Viewing deleting total costs Recognition and saving of the procedu...

Page 54: ...sareassignedasdescribedon page delete Allcostinformationsavedinthesystemtelephonewillbedeleted Recognitionandsavingofthepro cedureusedtotransmitcostinformation seepage43 isre activated I English Credi...

Page 55: ...he display Inhibit MSN EnablingorinhibitingofanumberforoutgoingcallsisprotectedbyanMSN specificPIN YoumustenterthisPINin advance during configuration of the number MSN After that you can inhibit or en...

Page 56: ...led party at the top of the display BEATRICE and the duration of the call 0 24 Press the display softkey BEATRICE 02 43 MSN 1 Memo show Keypad Mute park You will now see further information available...

Page 57: ...pressingthe Incoming softkey thedisplayofthecaller snumberisswitchedonoroff Ifacross isshownnexttothesoftkey callnumberdisplayisactivated Outgoing Bypressingthe Outgoing softkey thedisplayofthecalledp...

Page 58: ...hestatesoftheLEDsarenotpermanentlyrefreshedinthesystemtelephone Ifthesefunctionsaremodifiedorswit chedbyacodeorPCconfigurationonthePABX thestateoftheLEDdoesnotchange Ifthesystemtelephoneisdis connecte...

Page 59: ...tes the respective status LEDoff No connection LEDon Existing connection LEDflashes Connection on hold LEDflickers Incoming call call waiting Line key PABX This performance feature is not currently su...

Page 60: ...areswitched day nightcallas signment You have various options for this switching Day Night all All performance features that differentiate between day call assignment and night call assignment AVA Tea...

Page 61: ...announcement LEDon Announcement Allow simplex operation on off You can block or allow simplex operation on your system telephone using a function key LED functions The LED on the key indicates the re...

Page 62: ...hed on or off using this function key LED functions The LED on the key indicates the respective status LEDoff Switched off LEDon Switched on Call diversion call forwarding Youcansetupakeysothatcallfor...

Page 63: ...ll acceptance is switched on or off using the function key assigned LED functions The LED on the key indicates the respective status LEDoff Switched off LEDon Switched on Voicemail PABX This performan...

Page 64: ...nections ISDN FXS or SIP provider are grouped into bundles they can be assigned to a bundlekey Ifthiskeyispressed handsfreeisswitchedonautomaticallyandafreeexternalconnectionisassignedin the bundle in...

Page 65: ...p Ifmore than4keysaresetup thecallwaitingandholdforenquiryfunctionsarerestricted Ifmultipleconnectionshavethe Calling status thefirstcallsignalledisacceptedwhenthere ceiverislifted Ifmultipleconnectio...

Page 66: ...pasreceptiontelephones Akeycanbesetup foreachhotelroomforwhichcheck in check out wake upcallandcallfunctionscanbesetupbypressingtherele vant key The second layer of the key function Hotel room is assi...

Page 67: ...operation activated by key or calendar on elmeg hybird The LED on the Night operation key lights up when night operation is activated using the calendar on elmeg hybird Pressing the Night operation k...

Page 68: ...ABX PABX Type ID Tel drctry External line Numb length s Type ID PABX type softkey Type ID Type 0 The PABXdoes not transmit a dialling code for incoming calls Thediallingcodemustbeenteredinthesystemtel...

Page 69: ...and a mobile number for each user Thesenumbersarethenshowninthedisplayofthesystemtelephoneinthesystemphonebook M isinserted after the mobile number and H after the home number Two two numbers cannot b...

Page 70: ...extended configuration Enter the code 46 782 550 Vanity Format INSTALL0 IfthesystemtelephoneisdisconnectedfromtheISDNnetwork e g systemtelephoneISDNplugsunplugged PABX switched off or reset then the...

Page 71: ...laced Mute softkey Setwhetherthemicrophoneisactivatedwiththehandsetinplace e g hands free calling or whether it must be switched on by pressing the softkey speak With hands free Speak Mute s Caller li...

Page 72: youcanviewthelist List Cannot be configured using the system telephone on the elmeg hybird The system telephone has a range of 7 whitelist numbers and 7 blacklist numbers for dialling Start as fol...

Page 73: ...follows a M s s Acoustic Speaker O Press the arrow keys to set the volume The bar in the display shows the current status Confirm your entries with O Speaker vol Set volume temporarily During a call y...

Page 74: ...alled several times Ifyoupressthesoftkeyagain acallwaitingisonlysignalledonce The checkmark next to repeat is deleted Call wait tone Volume repeat s Pressthe Volume softkey O Press the arrow keys to s...

Page 75: ...illoverwritethecurrentvalue Attention tone announcement and simplex operation You can set the attention tone volume heard during simplex operation The Simplex operation setting applies to announcement...

Page 76: ...peaker For example you can connect external loudspeakers so that an announcement can be heard throughout the office The following functions can be used via the audio output Announcement loudspeaker ha...

Page 77: ...bled Active automatic direct dialling on the system telephone is PIN protected see page 74 Automatic direct dialling canonlybedisabledafterenteringthisPIN IfthePINissetto 0000 basicsetting thePINdoesn...

Page 78: No ok Call diversion call forwarding Thesystemtelephoneenablesyoutobereachedevenifyouarenotinthevicinityofyourtelephone Youachievethis by automatically forwarding your calls to another call number...

Page 79: direct MSN 1 0123456789 View current call diversion When the system telephone is at rest U is displayed in the second line of the display which indicates that a call di versionissetup Youcanviewadd...

Page 80: ...iffer first choose thevariantinthefirstlineandthefunctioninthebottomline Re peat this process until you have reached the desired setting for all variants Call waiting enable internal external No ok OK...

Page 81: ...pointment Start as follows a M s s O s Setting Date Select deadline Weekly t O Enter the time of the appointment Example 0930 Confirm your entries with O Set appointment 1 Time 09 30 t O Enter the dat...

Page 82: ...e local area codes or partialorcompletenumbers Whenyouenter you can include calls which do not transmit the number cal ler ID in the call filter Using the call filter calls whose numbers or beginning...

Page 83: ...number select New t O Enter the filter number Example 012345 Confirm your entries with O Enter filter no 012345_ Set up call filter operating mode Start as follows a M s s s Setting Call filter Incomi...

Page 84: ...PIN for Inhibit ex works setting 0000 Config inhibit filter PIN Outgoing Menu List PIN Password of the system telephone Various settings and operations on the system telephone are protected by a PIN p...

Page 85: ...if access is protected Protection for menu access can be set separately for the menus Configuration Setting and Program nos Themenus inhibit and Service arealwaysprotectedbythesystemtelephonePIN Ifacc...

Page 86: ...satz s Press the arrow keys to see the character sets that are available Press the softkey next to the chosen language The display is im mediately switched to the chosen language Standard Eingabe r Ze...

Page 87: you indicate that your system telephone is reachable when dialling with this number MSN If you enter more than one call number in your system telephone your system telephone will ring when dialling...

Page 88: ...allation directory of WIN Tools contains prepared melody profiles that you can load onto the system telephone Ifacallmelodythatisnotsavedinthesystemtelephoneisassignedtoanumber MSN thefirstmelodysa ve...

Page 89: ...rward calls to the same number you can preset this number in the system telephone If you then want to forward a call you will first be offered the preset number This preset is separate for each of the...

Page 90: ...t O Enter the 4 digit specific PIN for MSN 1 Example 1234 Confirm your entries with O Change PIN MSN 1 1234_ Configuration settings 84...

Page 91: ...teredunder Allowconfigurati on andthe log inname hasbeenenteredunder Extensionname forlog oninthe ProfessionalConfigurator theseentriesmustalsobeenteredintheelmegIP S400 AsnameyoumustentertheMSN onlyd...

Page 92: ...8 9 0 O E Confirm your entries with O press the E key SystemtelephoneandPABXaresynchronised Note that registration and synchronisation make tame some time If there is no connection to the PABX no LAN...

Page 93: not active you must enter here the IP address of the network in which the IP system telephone is located IP address of gateway INA 192 168 1 250 s Own IP Address If you have selected Off under DHC...

Page 94: entries may be required depending on the type of function selec ted e g the entry of the call number for line keys Confirm your entry with the O key Function for key1_ Extension key Line key MSN as...

Page 95: ...Auto Accept on off Index of number MSN 1 MSN 9 for which calls are to be accepted automatically User key User on off Index of number MSN 1 MSN 9 to be used for other operations elmeg IP S400 configura...

Page 96: ...lternativecommand ifarequestedcondition e g IFLA or IFLB isnotmet IFLA IFLB Only run macro if LED on the first key layer is disabled IFLA orflashes IFLB If the condition is notmet themacroisinterrupte...

Page 97: ...beintegratedintoa macro using the commands described below c PresstheCkey esc PresstheESCkey f Pressthemenukey Pressthe left arrowkey ok PresstheOKkey Pressthe right arrowkey r Selectsecondlayeroffunc...

Page 98: ...s2 Block system telephone for outgoing connections N Password of the system telephone Key for layer 1 switch on LED RE menu s5 s1 N ok s5 s4 LE esc Remove block on system telephone for outgoing con n...

Page 99: ...transferdata send and receives faxes or set up an answering machine on the PC using the system telephone CAPI Common Application Programming Interface Toensurethecontinuousreachabilityofthesystemtele...

Page 100: ...lingop tions whenthephoneisconnectedtoaPABX orsettheparametersfordialrangesandcharge logging TheProfessionalConfiguratorisalsousedforprogramminganoptionalansweringmachineor theoptionalnkeyboardextensi...

Page 101: cases the inserted ISDN card make have to removed from the PC in addition to removing the driver Installing the program from the CD ROM OnlyMicrosoftWindowsoperatingsystemsarecurrentlysupportedforc...

Page 102: ...aticallyrecognisestheconnectionsystemtelephone When connecting the system telephone to a PC for the first time the device driver installation starts auto matically The device driver can be found in th...

Page 103: ...tcallvolume Level3 Attentiontonevolumefordonotdisturb Level3 Waitingtonevolume Level3 waitingtoneretryactivated Nooutputofaudiosignalsviatheaudio outconnector Thecallnumberistransmittedforincomingand...

Page 104: ...consumption 1 Watt U connector CS410 U Lengthofconnectingcord approx 6 metres U connector DSS1 protocol point to point Channelstructure B B D Powerconsumption 1 Watt Output S connector DSS1 protocol p...

Page 105: ...ngmachinebuttonforswitchingonoroff AdvancedfunctionsofthecallLED ThisLEDlightsupinanothercolouriftheansweringmachi neisswitched onandflasheswhenanewmessageisavailable 10announcements 4informationmessa...

Page 106: ...ofthetelephone Installing the module see figure 2 Theplugconnector3forconnectingtheansweringmachinemoduleislocatedontherightsec tionofthetelephonepcb4nearthehandsetandheadsetjacks Plugthesocketconnect...

Page 107: ...C ConnectthetelephonetothePCsoundcardasshowninfigure2 Usethesuppliedaudiocables3forthispurpose Telefon Audio in 1 PC e g sound card Line Out 5 Telephone Audio out 2 PC e g sound card Line In 4 Please...

Page 108: ...oftkey Ans mac Time rem 48 54 Off Messages Anncs Local Activate Configuring the answering machine You can configure the answering machine right at the telephone itself or by means of the Professional...

Page 109: ...ownnexttothesoftkey thefunctionisactivated Pressthesoftkeyagaintodeactivatethefuncti on again The cross is deleted Automatic notification retransmission of recorded messages You can set the answering...

Page 110: ...ful retransmission the counter for the number of recorded messages is deleted The next notification is sent when the set number of messages is reached If retransmission cannot be completed e g the ext...

Page 111: ...n e g Switchansweringmachineon off listentoordeletemessages listento deleteorrecordan nouncements activateannouncementsforindividualMSNs setupautomaticnotificationsforrecordedmessages Start as follows...

Page 112: ...ers MSN are saved in a single list If you have set up messagesortingbynumber MSN youcanselectthecorrespondingnumber MSN ofthemessagesyouwouldlike to hear before listening back to the messages Announce...

Page 113: ...then press the Record softkey Anncm 1 Time rem 48 54 Record Audio In Record K Speak the announcement over the telephone receiver End recor ding by pressing the Stop softkey Anncm 1 Recording Stop Loa...

Page 114: ...formation messages or dictations For recording proceed as described for announcement 1 After recording the information message must be activated Activating message recording for each number MSN Youcan...

Page 115: ...K Pressthe Record softkeytosettheoperatingmodeoftheansweringmachine Thevariousoptionsare displayedinturnbypressingthesoftkey Record A caller hears the configured announcement and can leave a message a...

Page 116: ...e permissible message length is reached and a termination message is saved the caller hears the message If the setting Announcement only is configured a caller cannot leave a message He hears the anno...

Page 117: ...en not in use Start as follows a M K K K K K Answering machine Activation MSN 1 Options Time con trol Inthismenuyoucanconfiguretheperiodsandtimecontrolforanumber MSN Aweeklyprofilecanonlybesetup for n...

Page 118: ...eannouncementthatyouwantthecallertohearduringthe chosenperiod Pressthe Remaining time softkeytoselecttheannouncementthatyouwantthecal lertohearoutsideofthisperiod Ifseveralannouncementsareavailable yo...

Page 119: ...up primary times Press the Define primary times softkey in the Weekly profile menu Press the corresponding keys and softkeys to define the announcements and the periods for the so called primary time...

Page 120: ...maining Anncm 4 Operation If new messages new dictations or enabled information messages exist on the answering machine these are signal led by a flashing call LED when the answering machine is switch...

Page 121: ...07 21 MSN 1 Pause repeat delete Stop or Youcanswitchtotheprevious ortothenext message Pause Pressthe Pause softkeytostoplisteningtoamessage Ifyouwanttocontinuelisteningtothemessage pressthe END PAUSE...

Page 122: setting On Loudspeaker receiver and audio out Off Only loudspeaker receiver Poll message Logs 01 Audio Out On Messages can only be output via the Audio Out connector when the receiver is replaced...

Page 123: ...ecord softkey to start recording the call 2200 00 55 MSN 1 display Memo K Press the Stop softkey to end and save the recording If you want to end recording without saving it press the delete softkey L...

Page 124: ...eptedbythetelephone Thecodeenteredorthe requested action cannot be performed E g Activation of an announcement for a number that is not saved in the telephone Initiate remote operation answering machi...

Page 125: ...12q Listentoenabledinformationmessages q Listentothenextmessage q Listentothepreviousmessage 0q Endretransmissionofthecurrentmessage 2q Deletethemessagealreadylistenedto 22q Deletealloldmessages Liste...

Page 126: on automatic notification 51q Activateretransmissionofcalls Retransmissioniscarriedoutwiththeforwardingmessage 52q Switchoffretransmissionofcalls 53Xq Configureretransmissionofcalls X Numberofcalls...

Page 127: ...tening to message locally it is also possible to list to messages on all number MSNs We therefore recommend sorting messages by call number Calls MSN sorted sothatyoucanchoosethecorrespondingnumber MS...

Page 128: ...enttone youcanoperatetheindividualfunctionswiththefollowingaccesscodes To end remote polling replace the receiver after entering the last access number Inserted codes can only be used when listening t...

Page 129: ...again Insomecases alldatainthesystemtelephoneisselectedwhencarryingoutafirmwaredownlo ad Ifthisisthecasethenyouwillreceiveinformationinthetelephonedisplaybefore downloadingcommences Ifyoudonothaveanyb...

Page 130: ...ine for your system tele phoneinthePABX enterthenumberofthedownloadserverwit hout automatic outside line Cx410 bios 1 02 by ps Firmware update Please dial 005171901190 Abort In order to interrupt a do...

Page 131: ...Update Info Now proceed as described on page 124of this user guide Caution The settings under the Set softkeyareprovided for serviceanddiagnostics If youconfigureor modify settings in this menu this w...

Page 132: ...or the desired country e g english Which Country italiano espa ol deutsch english fran aise nederland The system telephone is then rebooted Thespecificsettingsofthechosencountryareestablishedimme diat...

Page 133: Program dial number MSN 3 MSN 1 MSN 4 MSN 2 MSN 5 Program dial number MSN 8 MSN 6 MSN 9 MSN 7 MSN 10 Enter PIN Example MSN 6 Enter PIN Config inhibit filter PIN Menu Service Functions Version Name...

Page 134: ...etting for using Audio Put Message Hands free calling Signaling tones Speaker function Idle tone volume Loudspeaker loudness PLANTRONICS FIREFLY Standard GN Netcom 2100 2200 SILICOMP DECT Headset DSHG...

Page 135: ...y MSN 3 MSN 1 MSN 4 MSN 2 MSN 5 Display Contrast Call waiting enable OK extended No ok Activate direct call No ok MSN ext Headset Time Filter Setting Use headset No ok Select appointment 1 11 11 11 11...

Page 136: ...k Program VIPs New List Select name please Aaaaaaaaaa 0123456 Info Info Info Info Info Info V0 V1 V3 V4 Reprogram VIP V2 Input telephone book Name Aaaaaaa_ V0 V1 V3 V4 Select VIP V2 Set specl tone cal...

Page 137: ...ord 34 Assign name to call number MSN 81 Block 77 Boss connector 54 Call waiting 72 Configuration 77 Connection to a PABX 80 Display Call number 78 Enter and view number MSN 80 Macro 88 MSN numbers 80...

Page 138: ...132...

Page 139: ...Audio in Audio out 11 91 99 Audio In 69 Audio Out 69 Aufmerkton Wechselsprechen 27 Automatic callback 28 On busy 28 On no reply 28 Automatic redialling 25 Interrupt 25 Switch off 25 Automatic use of...

Page 140: ...0 Connect the receiver cord 7 Connect the telephone 7 Headset 9 PC USB Audio 10 11 Connecting the additional keyboard 19 Connecting the audio sockets 99 Connecting the PC 99 Connection keys 58 Content...

Page 141: ...staste 52 Line key 52 Linientaste 52 Macro functions 60 Routertaste 58 Status info 58 Tag Nacht Schaltung 53 Voice Mail Taste 56 Wechselsprechen 51 54 G Gateway 85 H Hands free 26 Headset 9 Belegung d...

Page 142: ...Lautst rke einstellen 81 Release block for dialling 48 Setcallmelodies tone 81 Spezifische PIN einstellen 82 MSN assignment 23 Forphonebookrecords 33 Mute 25 MWI 2 37 N NDISWAN driver 92 Negative ackn...

Page 143: ...a PABX 17 Set denomination 47 Set display contrast 73 Set headset type 66 Set loudspeaker volume 66 Set park code 80 Set receiver volume 67 Set tariff factor 47 Set tone call melodies 81 Set transmiss...

Page 144: ...2 Tone dialling 30 Tonrufmelodie Klang einstellen 81 Transfer a call 31 U bermittlung der Rufnummer einstellen F rdasn chsteGespr ch 23 Unpack and position the telephone 7 13 Unpack the telephone 7 Up...

Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...

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Page 149: ...Forward calls a l s t O transfer Enter call number Extended redialling a W W or O b g Search for desi red call number Search for desired call number Callback on Busy b t g s a Enter call number Exten...

Page 150: ...Do not disturb a s s Idle No ok Ringing signal off Dial from the caller history phone book or VIP memory a s b g Caller list Phone book VIP Select entry Quick Install Guide 144...

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Page 152: ...dwestpark 94 D 90449 N rnberg For information on support and service offerings please visit our Website at www bintec elmeg com where you will find a Service Support area Subject to modifications Aus...
