Sys tem te le pho ne and PC
If the sys tem te le pho ne has no USB in ter fa ce, the functions can not be used via USB.
CTI / TAPI via the USB connector on the system telephone
The ab bre via tions CTI and TAPI re fer to the stan dard in ter fa ce for te le pho ny ap pli ca tions de fi ned by Mi cro soft un -
der Wind ows. The sys tem te le pho ne and your com pu ter can co-ope ra te di rect ly.
CTI: Com pu ter Te le pho ny In te gra ti on
TAPI: Te le pho ny Ap pli ca ti on Pro gram ming In ter fa ce
This al lows you to dial di rect ly from TAPI-com pa ti ble Wind ows pro grams, and the calls can be used by the soft wa re.
Con se quent ly, set ting up a con nec ti on via TAPI is con si der ably fas ter than with nor mal cal ling. TAPI, with its stan -
dard Mi cro soft in ter fa ce, has the ad van ta ge that it is al rea dy supported by a large number of programs and this
number is growing all the time.
The TAPI functio na li ty on the sys tem te le pho ne is avai la ble as soon as it is con nec ted to the PC and the TAPI
dri ver has been in stal led and does not re qui re any furt her ac ti vat ion on the system telephone.
CTI via the USB connector on the system telephone
You do not re qui re an ad di tio nal ISDN card on your PC. The sys tem te le pho ne has an in te gra ted USB con nec ti on to
con nect with the PC. De pen ding on the pro grams and dri vers in stal led, you can surf the In ter net, trans fer data, send
and re cei ves fa xes or set up an ans we ring ma chi ne on the PC using the sys tem te le pho ne.
CAPI: Com mon Application Programming Interface
To en su re the con ti nu ous rea cha bi li ty of the sys tem te le pho ne, only one B-chan nel is avai la ble for
all ap pli ca tions. This B-chan nel can be used in turn by the applications.
The same num bers (MSN) can not be used in the se PC ap pli ca tions as in the sys tem te le pho ne.
If a CAPI ap pli ca ti on is en ab led and used on the PC, this is dis play ed on the sys tem te le pho ne
with »
«. Du ring this pe ri od, only one B-chan nel is avai la ble for telephony.
Fax and data applications (not included)
By using a fax pro gram, you can send or re cei ve fa xes from or using va ri ous ap pli ca tions. With a data trans mis si on /
file trans fer pro gram you can trans fer fi les from one PC to anot her or re cei ve fi les from a PC. To en su re that the se or
ot her ap pli ca tions can be used in con juncti on with your sys tem te le pho ne, the fol lo wing drivers must be installed:
USB dri ver and CAPI dri ver of the sys tem te le pho ne
Internet Access
You can surf the In ter net using the sys tem te le pho ne. To do this, you can use the soft wa re from your pro vi der (e.g.
T-On li ne, AOL) or the DCN net work of your Wind ows ope ra ting sys tem. To en su re that you can surf the In ter net
with the sys tem te le pho ne, the fol lo wing dri vers must be installed:
USB dri ver and CAPI dri ver of the sys tem te le pho ne
NDIS WAN dri ver (only re qui red for ac cess over the DCN net work)
CTI / TAPI via the USB connector on the system telephone
Sys tem te le pho ne and PC
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
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Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
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Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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