Ans we ring ma chi ne
Firm wa re > V4.20 is re qui red on your sys tem te le pho ne to ope ra te this module.
The ans we ring ma chi ne mo du le al lows you to ex pand your sys tem te le pho ne with a di gi tal ans we ring ma chi ne of fe -
ring nu me rous functions. This do cu men ta ti on des cri bes how to use the mo du le in sys tem te le pho nes
elmeg CS410
. Sup port for the ans we ring ma chi ne mo du le is al rea dy pre pa red in the soft wa re for this sys tem te le -
pho ne
Ho we ver, the sco pe of functions of fe red by the ans we ring ma chi ne de pends on the soft wa re used on the sys tem te le -
pho ne. The functions des cri bed in this do cu ment are ba sed on the la test soft wa re version of the system telephone at
the time of writing or printing.
Answering machine functions
Up to 48 mi nu tes rec or ding ca pa ci ty for nor mal voi ce rec or dings.
Spe ci al ans we ring ma chi ne but ton for swit ching on or off.
Ad van ced functions of the call LED. This LED lights up in anot her co lour if the ans we ring ma chi -
ne is swit ched on and flas hes when a new mes sa ge is available.
10 an noun ce ments, 4 in for ma ti on mes sa ges, for war ding mes sa ge, ter mi na ti on mes sa ge and
mes sa ge when the ans we ring machine is full.
Rec or ding of dic ta tions.
In di vi du al con fi gu ra ti on and con sul ta ti on of re cor ded mes sa ges for each call number (MSN).
Time con trol of an noun ce ments for each call num ber (dai ly) or for the call num bers »
« to
« (wee kly pro fi le).
Ad jus tab le rec or ding qua li ty of an noun ce ments (nor mal, good, ex cel lent).
Rec or ding calls.
Lis te ning in du ring rec or ding.
Re mo te ac cess pro tec ted by PIN.
Au to ma tic no ti fi ca ti on (re trans mis si on) for re cor ded calls via call, UUS1 or SMS.
Contents of package
Ans we ring ma chi ne mo du le
PC-au dio ca ble (3.5 mm ste reo plug, ap prox. 2.5m)
Self-ad he vi se name-pla te
Ope ra ting in struc tions
In stal la ti on
The ans we ring ma chi ne mo du le may only be in stal led by a spe cia li zed dea ler, or by aut ho ri zed ser vi ce per -
son nel.
Ans we ring ma chi ne
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
Page 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
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Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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