En ter the call num ber.
Ex am ple: »
Con firm your en tries with
Dir. call-in number
Direct cal>098765
If you are using the sys tem te le pho ne on a PABX wit hout au to ma tic out si de line, you must en ter the di al ling
code of the PABX be fo re the speed dial number.
En ab le au to ma tic di rect di al ling
Set ting
Di rect cal
Au to ma tic di rect di al ling is now ac ti ve. In the se cond li ne of the
dis play you will see the speed di al num ber that is set up.
Dir. call-in
Dis ab le au to ma tic di rect di al ling
You will see the id le dis play when au to ma tic di rect di al ling is dis -
ab led. Press the me nu key.
Dir. call-in
En ter the PIN (Ex am ple: »
Con firm your en tries with
Input PIN please
Press the »
« soft key to switch off au to ma tic di rect di al ling.
End direct call-in?
Call diversion (call forwarding)
The sys tem te le pho ne en ab les you to be rea ched even if you are not in the vi ci ni ty of your te le pho ne. You achie ve this
by au to ma ti cal ly for war ding your calls to anot her call num ber.
Call for war ding can be set up se pa ra te ly for each of the num bers en te red. In or der to be able to use call for war ding,
you can have set up at least one number.
The fol lo wing set tings are pos si ble for each num ber:
De lay ed
Call di ver si on de lay ed:
All calls for the num ber are sig nal led for the time de fi ned in the ex chan ge or in the PABX
be fo re being forwarded.
Call di ver si on on busy:
Calls to a num ber are only for war ded if the sys tem te le pho ne is busy.
(E.g.: a con nec ti on and call wai ting are not per mit ted or two exi sting connections)
Fi xed
Di rect call di ver si on:
All calls for the num ber for which a per ma nent call for war ding is set up are di ver ted. Your
sys tem te le pho ne no lon ger rings when calls are re cei ved for this number.
Con fi gu ring and set ting the sys tem te le pho ne
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
Page 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
Page 138: ...132...
Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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