Press the »
« soft key to de ac ti va te re trans mis si on. The va ri ous op tions are dis play ed in turn by pres sing
the softkey.
On,an noun ce ment
Re trans mis si on is car ried out by in itia ting a call with the for war ding mes sa ge or a
re quest tone. The new mes sa ges can then be listened to.
On,mes sa ge/SMS
You are no ti fied of the new mes sa ge by SMS.
On,mes sa ge/UUS
You are no ti fied of the new mes sa ge by UUS1.
Press the »
« soft key to ap ply the new set tings. Press the »
« soft key to exit the menu wit hout sa -
ving the set tings.
If au to ma tic no ti fi ca ti on is swit ched on, this is in di ca ted on the dis play by »
« when not in use. The costs in -
cur red from au to ma tic no ti fi ca ti on are al lo ca ted to the ISDN con nec ti on (the MSN) to which the telephone
is connected.
Retransmission process
If the set num ber of re cor ded mes sa ges is rea ched, au to ma tic no ti fi ca ti on is in itia ted to the pre set num ber (call,
UUS1 or SMS). Fol lo wing suc cess ful re trans mis si on, the coun ter for the num ber of re cor ded mes sa ges is de le ted.
The next no ti fi ca ti on is sent when the set number of messages is reached.
If re trans mis si on can not be com ple ted (e.g. the ex ten si on is busy on a call), up to five re tries are made. Af ter five un -
suc cess ful re tries, re trans mis si on is ab or ted and res tar ted when the next new message is received.
Save text message for retransmission (SMS / UUS1)
Start as fol lows:
Mes sa ges
Text on re trans mis si on
En ter the text. The length of the text is li mit ed to 160 cha rac ters
(SMS) or 31 cha rac ters (UUS1).
Ex am ple: »
ve new mes
ges on your ans
ma chi ne at ho me.
Con firm your entries with
Text on forwarding
Answering machine
SMS>Five new messages
on your answering
machine at home
If no text is sa ved, a stan dard text sa ved on the te le pho ne is used to send the text mes sa ge (SMS or UUS1).
Delete all calls, all dictations or all texts
You can de le te calls, dic ta tions or all texts on the ans we ring ma chi ne.
Start as fol lows:
Ans we ring ma chi ne
De le te texts
Ans we ring ma chi ne
General configuration
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
Page 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
Page 138: ...132...
Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
Page 146: ...140...
Page 147: ...141...
Page 148: ...142...
Page 151: ...145...