Programming the additional keyboard
Con fi gu re the functi on keys and the LEDs for the ad di tio nal key pad using the Pro fes sio nal Con fi gu ra tor on the
WIN-Tools CD-ROM for your telephone.
Changing the label
The la bel pa nels for the functi on keys are in clu ded on a se pa ra te sheet en clo sed in the ope ra ting in struc tions. Cut out
the la bel you wish to use.
To chan ge the la bel pa nel, press the fle xi ble co ver to get her bet ween your in dex fin ger and thumb and lift it out. The
la bel pa nel can now be chan ged.
You can fill out and then print the la bel for your ad di tio nal key pad using the Pro fes sio nal Con fi gu ra tor. Also avai la -
ble on the WIN-Tools CD-ROM is an Ado be Acro bat file con tai ning tem pla tes that you can also fill in and print out.
Connecting further button boards (cascading)
Up to three ad di tio nal key pads can be con nec ted (cas ca ded) to your te le pho ne. The ad di tio nal T400/2 key pad is de -
sig ned for ope ra ti on at the end of a cas ca ding line. A plug-in po wer supp ly is re qui red if you use more than one ad di -
tio nal key pad. Use only the ap pro ved po wer supp ly units avai la ble as ac ces so ry
(Plug-in po wer supp ly unit T400 / Ident-Num ber: 220872.5
Plug-in po wer supp ly unit T400-UK / Ident-Nummer: 220873.3).
Installation procedure
Un plug the ISDN con nec tor for the te le pho ne from the ISDN out let. Re mo ve the plug-in po wer
supp ly (if avai la ble).
Pro ceed as des cri bed for the te le pho ne and ad di tio nal key pad.
Se cu re the ad di tio nal key bo ard at the po si tions
mar ked in the il lu stra ti on. Con nect the con -
nec ting cord to the left jack
of the exi sting ad di tio nal key pad and to the right jack
of the new
Plug the plug-in po wer supp ly unit into the ap pro pria te jack
for an ad di tio nal key pad.
Plug the ISDN con nec tor of your pho ne back into the ISDN out let. Af ter in itia li za ti on (start-up)
of your te le pho ne the pho ne and the ad di tio nal key pad are im me di ate ly ready for operation.
Setting the display language
Ad di tio nal key bo ard
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
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