Ma cro
Macro programming
Only free keys can be configured over the system telephone on the elmeg hybird.
Ma cro:
Pro gram ming the ma cro keys (»
ma cro
« soft key)
First se lect a functi on key. First en ter the na me of the ma cro
(max. 20 cha rac ters). You can then en ter the in di vi du al ma cro
com mands.
The com mand chain of a ma cro can con sist of up to 26 cha rac ters.
A com mand of a key press al ways con sists of two cha rac ters. The -
re fo re you can link up to 13 com mands to get her or 7 com mands /
key pres ses with another 12 digits, for example.
Commands and keys for macro programming
A ma cro con sists of va ri ous com mands or key pres ses that are com bi ned to form a com mand chain and are sa ved on
a functi on key. When pres sing the functi on key, the sys tem per forms the in di vi du al com mands of the macro in
The following commands are available for macro programming:
In itia te con nec ti on (si mi lar to lif ting the re cei ver).
Ter mi na te con nec ti on (si mi lar to re pla cing the re cei ver).
Al ter na ti ve com mand, if a re ques ted con di ti on (e.g. «
« or »
«) is not met.
Only run ma cro if LED on the first key lay er is dis ab led (»
«) or flas hes (»
«). If the con di ti on is
not met, the ma cro is in ter rup ted or con ti nu ed af ter the com mand »
« (if any).
Key pad se quen ce; All fol lo wing cha rac ters/di gits are trans mit ted as a key pad sequence.
Switch off LED.
LED flas hes.
Switch on LED.
Switch on LED for two se conds.
Wild card for a call num ber.
If a num ber is en te red be fo re exe cu ting the ma cro (e.g. or cho sen from the sys tem te le pho ne), this num ber
is used ins te ad of the wild card in the macro.
Pau se (1 se cond) in the com mand chain (bet ween two cha rac ters/com mands).
Estab lish rest sta tus of the sys tem te le pho ne.
When the re is an ac ti ve con nec ti on on the sys tem te le pho ne, the exe cu ti on of the ma cro is in ter rup ted at
this point.
Switch on loud spea ker (nor mal vo lu me).
Switch on loud spea ker (quiet vo lu me).
MFV se quen ce: All fol lo wing cha rac ters/di gits are trans mit ted as MFV suf fix di al ling.
Test a con nec ti on.
Once the ac ti ve con nec ti on has been ter mi na ted or an out going call is not con nec ted (e.g. the ex ten si on is
busy), the exe cu ti on of the ma cro is in ter rup ted at this point.
Ma cro
Macro programming
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
Page 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
Page 138: ...132...
Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
Page 146: ...140...
Page 147: ...141...
Page 148: ...142...
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