Plea se note!
The sys tem te le pho nes and cor re spon ding sys tems in this user gui de use the fol lo wing ab bre via tions:
Sys tem / PABX:
Ab bre via ti on:
el meg PABX
el meg PABX
el meg Hy bird 300
el meg Hy bird 600
elmeg hybird. Al ter na ti ve con fi gu ra ti on of the sys tem te le pho nes (see also page )
Bin tec TR200aw
Bin tec TR200bw
Declaration of Conformity and CE Mark
This de vi ce meets the re qui re ments of R&TTE Di rec ti ve 1999/5/EC:
Di rec ti ve 1999/5/EC of the Eu ro pe an Par lia ment and of the Coun cil of 9 March 1999 on ra dio equip -
ment and te le com mu ni ca tions ter mi nal equip ment and the mu tu al re co gni ti on of their con for mi ty.
The De cla ra ti on of Con for mi ty can be vie wed at the fol lo wing web ad dress: http://www.bin tec-el
The cros sed-out was te bin icon on the de vi ce in di ca tes that the de vi ce must be dis po sed of se pa ra te ly
from nor mal hou se hold was te at the dis po sal si tes pro vi ded at the end of its ser vi ce life. You can find
ad di tio nal in for ma ti on on the in di vi du al re turn of used de vi ces at www.bin tec-el
© bin tec el meg GmbH - All rights re ser ved.
This do cu ment may not be re pro du ced, in full or in part, ex cept with the ap pro val of the pub lis her and with a de tai led
re fer en ce to the sour ce pub li ca ti on, ir re spec ti ve of the na tu re and me thod or me dia (me cha ni cal or elec tro nic) by
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Functio nal des crip tions of this do cu men ta ti on that re la te to soft wa re pro ducts of ot her ma nu fac tu rers are ba sed on
the soft wa re used at the time of crea ti on or prin ting. The pro duct or com pa ny na mes used in this do cu men ta ti on may
in some ca ses be re gis te red tra de marks.
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
Page 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
Page 138: ...132...
Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
Page 146: ...140...
Page 147: ...141...
Page 148: ...142...
Page 151: ...145...