Audio applications via the audio connectors on the system telephone
The sys tem te le pho ne has one in put (2) and one out put (3) for au dio sig nals. The se con nec tors are de sig ned for 3.5
mm ste reo jack plugs. When using the op tio nal ans we ring ma chi ne mo du le, you can con nect the sys tem te le pho ne
over this con nec ti on to the sound card on your PC in or der to trans fer an noun ce ments to the sys tem te le pho ne or to
save recorded messages to the PC.
You can also use spe ci fic functions on the sys tem te le pho ne from the au dio-out out put (see page 66).
Content of WIN-Tools CD-ROM
This user gui de pro vi des a brief over view of the soft wa re in clu ded. The soft wa re pro grams are not des cri bed in this
user gui de. If you en coun ter dif fi cul ties or que ries whilst using the pro gram, you can re fer to the on li ne help for the
in di vi du al pro grams. All pro grams offer extensive online help.
Program for setting up the system telephone (WIN-Tools)
Pro fes sio nal Con fi gu ra tor:
Set ting and con fi gu ra ti on of the phone’s in di vi du al per for man ce fea tu res are done in the con fi gu -
ra ti on pro cess. You can set up MSN ex ten si on num bers or pro gram VIP keys and functi on keys.
You can also con fi gu re the phone’s dis plays, set the vo lu me of va ri ous sig nals, se lect di al ling op -
tions (when the pho ne is con nec ted to a PABX) or set the pa ra me ters for dial ran ges and char ge
log ging.
The Pro fes sio nal Con fi gu ra tor is also used for pro gram ming an op tio nal ans we ring machine or
the optional
keyboard extensions.
Pho ne Book Ma na ger:
Use the pho ne di rec to ry ma na ger to crea te new en tries for the pho ne di rec to ry (see page ) or as -
sign a spe ci al dial tone (VIP dial tone) to in di vi du al num bers. With the im port / ex port functi on
you can also im port data from ot her pro grams or ex port data for further processing.
Downlo ad Ma na ger:
Use this pro gram for loa ding new firm wa re for the te le pho ne with your PC. Anew firm wa re is
loa ded via the phone’s PC port.
Sound Ma na ger:
You can use the sound ma na ger to crea te your own call sig nal ling me lo dies at the PC and then
load the se me lo dies into your telephone.
Af ter data trans mis si on, the sys tem te le pho ne is re or ga ni sed in ter nal ly (e.g. pho ne book data). This pro cess
runs au to ma ti cal ly and may take se ve ral mi nu tes. Du ring this time, you will not be able to ac cess se ve ral
functions on the sys tem telephone (e.g. phone book).
Application program
Ado be Acro bat Rea der
Pro gram for vie wing and prin ting PDF do cu ments.
CAPI-dri ver
(Com mon ISDN Ap pli ca ti on Pro gram ming In ter fa ce)
Links the te le pho ne to pro grams that pro vi de data com mu ni ca ti on functions.
For ex am ple CAPI soft wa re (not included in the package)
NDIS WAN dri ver (NDIS - Net work De vi ce In ter fa ce Spe ci fi ca ti on / WAN - Wide Area Net wor -
Sys tem te le pho ne and PC
Audio applications via the audio connectors on the system telephone
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
Page 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
Page 138: ...132...
Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
Page 146: ...140...
Page 147: ...141...
Page 148: ...142...
Page 151: ...145...