En ter the num ber to be sa ved as a mes sa ge.
Ex am ple: »
Con firm your en tries with
Memo number create
SMS and UUS1 text messages
You can use the sys tem te le pho ne to send or re cei ve SMS or UUS1 text mes sa ges (SMS - Short Mes sa ge Ser vi ce, UUS1
- User to User Sig nal ling). A text mes sa ge is en te red using the sys tem te le pho ne key pad. For the text en try of let ters,
di gits or spe ci al cha rac ters, the keys are as sig ned as des cri bed on page .
You can only send and re cei ve text mes sa ges if the sen der trans mits his num ber and if this is dis play ed to the re ci -
pient. Text mes sa ges wit hout a trans mit ted call num ber are not trans mit ted or dis play ed in the system telephone.
The re ceipt of a text mes sa ge is sig nal led with two short at ten ti on to nes on the sys tem te le pho ne. When the sys tem te -
le pho ne is idle, the num ber of mes sa ges re cei ved is dis play ed and a re fer en ce to the se is dis play ed in the list of callers.
SMS text messages (available depending on the network operator)
SMS en ab les you to send text mes sa ges to ot her te le pho nes in the fi xed net work or to mo bi le te le pho nes, and to re cei -
ve the se mes sa ges from them. The length of an SMS is li mit ed to 160 cha rac ters. Up to 4 SMS can be lin ked au to ma ti -
cal ly with up to 612 cha rac ters. Switch from one SMS to the next using the softkey.
You can only send and re cei ve SMS text mes sa ges:
If you are using the sys tem te le pho ne on a PABX with sys tem te le pho ny that supp orts the SMS
per for man ce feature.
If you have re gis te red for this per for man ce fea tu re with the net work ope ra tor or the pro vi der of
the SMS cen tre for your ISDN connection.
If the call num ber of the SMS cen tre is sa ved in the sys tem te le pho ne.
Plea se con sult the pro vi der of the SMS cen tre to find out in which net works (mo bi le, fi xed) SMS mes sa ges can be sent
and the cost of sen ding and re cei ving SMS mes sa ges. The sys tem te le pho ne does not sup port the trans mis si on of SMS
mes sa ges with spe ci al con tent (e.g. pictures, ring tones).
The SMS mes sa ges that are re cei ved and sent are sa ved in two se pa ra te lists in the sys tem te le pho ne. 10 re cei ved SMS
mes sa ges and 10 sent SMS mes sa ges can be sa ved. A ma xi mum of 5 lin ked SMS can be sa ved (in twos or fours). Sys -
tem te le pho nes that do not sup port lin ked SMS will re cei ve these as individual SMS.
Plea se note that the re must be free me mo ry avai la ble in or der to be able to save SMS mes sa ges. If you have al rea dy sa -
ved 10 re cei ved SMS mes sa ges then you can not re cei ve any more SMS messages.
Af ter sen ding an SMS, you can save this in the list of sent SMS. If this list is full, the last sent SMS is sa ved tem po ra ri ly.
UUS1 text messages
You can send text mes sa ges from one sys tem te le pho ne to anot her wit hout ha ving to call this ex ten si on. The length of
an UUS1 text mes sa ge is li mit ed to 31 characters.
The sen ding of UUS1 text mes sa ges shall be pos si ble to both in ter nal and ex ter nal te le pho nes. You can only
make use of this per for man ce fea tu re to ex ter nal te le pho nes if »UUS1 (User to User Sig nal ling)« is ac ti vat ed
for your ISDN connection.
Plea se note that all ter mi nals in vol ved (sys tem te le pho nes and PABX) must sup port the per for man ce fea tu re »UUS1
(User to User Signalling)«.
SMS and UUS1 text messages
Ope ra te sys tem te le pho ne
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
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