de le te a call back, you can se lect this by using the ar row keys, then press the
key and fi nal ly the »
de le te?
In itia ted call backs are de le ted au to ma ti cal ly af ter a spe ci fied time. This time is de fi ned for ex ter nal call backs by the
net work ope ra tor and for in ter nal call backs by the PABX.
If the sys tem te le pho ne is dis con nec ted from the ISDN net work (e.g. sys tem te le pho ne ISDN plugs un plug -
ged, PABX swit ched off or re set), then any re ques ted call backs are deleted.
Park (only elmeg CS410and CS410-U)
Par king al lows you to in ter rupt a call for up to 3 mi nu tes. You can then re mo ve the sys tem te le pho ne con nec tor from
the ISDN so cket and re con nect the sys tem te le pho ne in anot her room. Af ter »un par king, you can then con ti nue this
call. A park ed call can also be «un park ed« on anot her sys tem te le pho ne and continued from there.
Par king is only pos si ble if only one con nec ti on exists on your sys tem te le pho ne. Af ter un par king, the num ber of the
park ed ex ten si on is no lon ger displayed.
To en su re that you can re con nect to your call, if two calls are park ed each call is as sig ned a »park code« from 0 to 99
when park ed. The park code 55 is en te red in the ba sic set tings.
If you have park ed two calls on an ISDN bus, this bus must be blo cked for calls. Un par king is only pos si ble
on the bus on which the call was park ed. Par king is only pos si ble if only one con nec ti on exists on your sys -
tem telephone.
Re mo ve and rein -
sert con nec tor
En ter park code
un park
En ter park code
Intercept (MCID) (only via the S/U connector)
This performance feature is not currently supported by elmeg hybird!
If you re cei ve a ma li ci ous call, you can save the caller’s num ber in the ex chan ge.
The Tra ce (MCID) per for man ce fea tu re must be re ques ted from the net work pro vi der for your ISDN connection.
Iden ti fi ca ti on is car ried out in the ex chan ge and is re cor ded un der the caller’s num ber, date and time.
You can use this per for man ce fea tu re in two si tua tions.
Te le pho ning
Park (only elmeg CS410and CS410-U)
Summary of Contents for elmeg CS410
Page 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Page 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
Page 138: ...132...
Page 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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Page 147: ...141...
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