network. In this way, different network components can be mon-
itored from a single, central system. Syslog messages are sent as
unencrypted text messages over the UDP port 514.
A system telephone has multiple function and special keys and can
use the performance features of a PBX.
T.38 or Fax over IP (FoIP) refers to fax transmission via an IP net-
See Terminal adapter
The Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus
() is a client-server protocol for authenticating, authorising
and accounting for users. The server authenticates the
client by checking, e. g., the username and password. In contrast to
the UDP-based RADIUS protocol, uses TCP on port 49
and transmits the entire communication encrypted.
The Telephony Applications Programming Interface (TAPI) is a pro-
gramming interface for ISDN. It enables application programs to ac-
cess ISDN hardware from a PC. See also CAPI.
The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection-oriented
protocol. It works on the transport layer of the OSI model. With a
connection-oriented protocol, a logical connection is established be-
fore transmission and maintained. This enables data to be transmit-
ted reliably. Nonetheless, control information is constantly being
sent alongside the actual data packets. This causes the data volume
sent to increase. See also UDP.
An ACK (acknowledgement) signal is used when transmitting data
to confirm the receipt or the processing of data or commands. TCP
uses ACK signals for communication.
See Network termination. A distinction is drawn between F-coded
connectors for telephones and N-coded connectors for fax ma-
chines, modems and answering machines.
Terminal equipment (TE) refers to a connection or operating type.
The TE connector is a terminal's connector. In TE operation, the
gateway is connected to the PABX's internal S0 and thus constitutes
an ISDN terminal. See also NT.
Under ISDN protocol DSS1, the Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) is
an identifier for terminals.
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