4.1.3 Gathering data
You will quickly collect the main data for doing the configuration with the configuration inter-
Before you start the configuration, you should gather the data for the following purposes:
• Network settings (only if you intend to integrate your device into an existing network infra-
• SIP provider
• Internet access
The following table shows examples of possible values for the necessary access data. You
can enter your personal data in the "Your values" column, so that you can refer to these
values later when needed.
Basic configuration
For a basic configuration of your device, you need information that relates to your network
Network settings
Access data
Example value
Your values
IP address of your gateway
Netmask of your gateway
SIP provider
Access data
Example value
Your values
Enter the name of your
SIP provider, e.g.
Authentication ID
Enter you ID, e.g. your
Email Address
Enter your password that
you received from your
SIP provider.
Enter the appropriate re-
bintec elmeg GmbH
4 Basic configuration
be.IP 4isdn