2.3 Presettings
Certain settings have already been pre-configured so that it only takes you a few steps to
start using your device for the first time.
Consult the user's guide for your existing terminals to find out how the features can be
used and with which settings.
You can change these presettings to meet your personal requirements and connection situ-
Configuration interface
In the ex works state, you can access your device's configuration interface through one of
the LAN connections at this address:
• IP Address:
• Netmask:
In the ex works state, you should use the following access data to configure your device
using the configuration interface:
• User Name:
• Password:
After you log into the device for the first time, you will be prompted to enter a secure
password. When you do this, please note the guidance that is displayed on secure
passwords! When the configuration procedure is complete, select the Save configura-
tion button! Otherwise the new, secure password will be lost when there is a restart.
Select operating mode
be.IP 4isdn allows you to switch between the operation modes of a PABX and that of a
media gateway.
bintec elmeg GmbH
2 Introduction
be.IP 4isdn