D I - 7 0 7
S h a re and Protect Yo u r
C able/DSL Internet Connection
Internet Gateway/Firewall
with 7-Port Switch
The D-Link DI-707 is a Broadband Home and Small Business
G a t eway with seven (7) Switched Fast Ethernet Ports. It allow s
multiple computers to share a cable or DSL Internet connection. It
p r ovides security as a fi r ewall between a Local Network and the
Internet. The DI-707 is targeted at small businesses and home
u s e r s .
It allows up to 253 users to share a single Internet Connection
while providing the safety and security of both port blocking and
a natural fi r ewall. Static address support, integrated DHCP, and
d evice name support will allow it to connect to nearly any
broadband prov i d e r, and at the same time simplify local area
n e t work settings.
The DI-707 provides two levels of security support. First, it masks
local users’ IP addresses from others on the Internet making it
much more difficult for a hacker to target a machine on your
n e t work. Secondly it can block and redirect certain ports to limit
the services that outside users can access. Specific ports can be
opened by the user to ensure that games and other Internet
applications will run properly. The Virtual Server feature allow s
the user to expose HTTP, FTP, Game Servers and other local
services to be accessible to Internet users located outside of the
U n l i ke proxy server or NAT software that requires the softwa r e
s e r ver to remain visible on the Internet, no local computers are
directly externally visible when using the DI-707. Also the DI-707,
l i ke broadband, is always on, removing the need to constantly boot
a software server when access is desired from a client. No client
s o f t ware is required to connect to the DI-707 so it will support any
operating system that can connect to a network whether PC or
Apple based.
The D-Link DI-707 strictly adheres to IEEE standards, and is
compatible with existing network technology. The seven (7)
10/100 Mbps ports adhere to IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.3u, which
specify 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX Ethernet technology
r e s p e c t ive l y, and use NWay auto-negotiation to switch between
10Mbps and 100Mbps speeds. The seven 10/100 Ethernet ports
use layer 2 switching technology to minimize packet broadcast,
greatly enhancing the speed and productivity of the LAN. Each
port also adheres to the IEEE 802.3x standard, which specifi e s
F l ow Control support for full-duplex Ethernet ports.
DI-707 7-Port Switched Fast Ethernet
Broadband For Home and Small Business
D-Link Systems, 53 Discovery Drive Irvine CA 92618 www. d l i n k . c o m
S p e c i fications are subject to change without notice. D-Link is a registered trademark of D-Link Systems, Inc. ©2000 D-Link Systems Inc. All rights reserved.