2.2.11 Printed data string
This string can be enabled as an alternative to "CSV weighed Management" (Setup \
Personalizations\Operating Mode\ Weighing \ Management Weighing CSV).
There are 3 possible data transmission modes:
The string is sent, then the data is printed.
On request, ACK-NAK, and With remote commands are the available protocols. If the ACK-NAK
protocol is selected and there is a transmission failure, "DATI NON TRASMESSI" (DATA NOT
SENT) will appear at the bottom of the printout.
The data is printed, then the string is sent. ACK-NAK is the only available protocol.
If there is a string transmission failure, instead of sending it, it is saved in an archive. Every time a
weighing operation is sent, the strings in queue in the archive will be sent first, followed by the string
relative to the current operation.
Following the weighing operation, the strings are saved in an archive. Transmission is carried out
through the command (<ENQ> (05H)). On request and ACK-NAK are the available protocols.