1 - Introduction
1.1 - ProtoNode gateway
ProtoNode is an external, high performance Building Automation multi-protocol gateway that is pre-configured to automatically
communicate between any of Big
Fans’ products (hereafter called “device”) to various building automation protocols. These
protocols include BACnet
MS/TP, BACnet/IP, Metasys
N2 by JCI, and Modbus TCP. It is not necessary to download any
configuration files to support the required applications.
The ProtoNode has been designed to simultaneously support both known RS-485 and Ethernet devices connected to the ProtoNode.
The ProtoNode has all of the pretest Profiles/Configurations of all the devices stored inside itself. Two (2) methods of configuration are
used to dynamically set the devices up for the various protocols:
RS-485 devices connected to the ProtoNode are automatically discovered on power up. The ProtoNode performs an Auto-Discovery
of known profiles or devices connected on the RS-485 network.
Ethernet known devices connected to the ProtoNode cannot be Auto-Discovered. If you want to add known Ethernet devices, you
must run the ProtoNode’s Web Configurator. The Web Configurator will show all the stored profiles/devices that are inside the
ProtoNode. It will show all the RS-485 devices that were discovered. You will select which Ethernet devices you want to connect
to the ProtoNode (Ethernet and RS-485). You must select the device, Modbus Node-ID, and the IP Address if you are selecting
Ethernet devices. After you select all of the devices, the ProtoNode automatically builds and downloads the configuration for the
desired protocol.
BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE.
Metasys is a registered trademark of Johnson Controls Inc.
Controller A
Controller B
Controller C
Controller D
Controller E
Controller F
Controller G
eb Configured
eb Configured
One or multiple
Ethernet Devices
One or multiple
RS-485 Field Protocols
One or multiple
Ethernet Field Protocols
One or multiple
Serial Devices